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List of Available Documents
A Balanced Approach to Implementing the Balanced Scorecard
A Case for Reform: How a Municipal Body can pursue its Municipal Budgetary Reforms
A Global High Shift Cycling Scenario
A Guide to Decisionmaking—Sanitation Technology Options for Urban India
A Handbook for Using Community Decision-Making to Improve the Lives of Children, Youth and Families
A handbook of planning of office Buildings
A New Taxonomy of Smart City Projects
A Note on Bio-degradable Waste in India
A Policy Review: Building Digital Citizenship in Asia-Pacific through Safe, Effective and Responsible Use of ICT
A Report on Energy Efficiency and Energy Mix in the Indian Energy System (2030) Using India Energy Security Scenarios, 2047
A Roadmap for Resilience
ACCCRN Projects in Surat, Indore and Gorakhpur: A Brief Summary
Accessibility of Housing: A Handbook of Inclusive Affordable Housing Solutions for Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons
Achieving Lasting Affordability Through Inclusionary Housing
Action Plan for management of Municipal Solid Waste (Draft)
Action Udaipur Making Swachh Bharat Mission Possible
Actions on Air Quality
Active Mobility
Adaptation made to measure
Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System - Bhubaneswar
Addressing malnutrition multisectorally, What have we learned from recent international experience?
Addressing Slum Redevelopment Issues in India
Addressing Water Scarcity Through Recycling and Reuse: A Menu for Policymakers
Advisory No. - 5,Empanelment of Transaction Advisors for providing technical assistance to Urban Local Bodies in issuing municipal bonds in the Smart Cities.
Advisory No. 10: Laying of Common Duct for OFC network in Smart Cities on Public Private Partnership (PPP) DBOT Hybrid Annuity Model
Advisory No. 5: Empanelment of Transaction Advisors for providing technical assistance to Urban Local Bodies in issuing municipal bonds in the Smart Cities.
Advisory No. 6: Strategy for Smart Health in Smart Cities Mission
Advisory No. 6; Strategy for Smart Health in Smart Cities Mission
Advisory No. 7: Role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the Development of Smart Infrastructure
Advisory No. 8: Engagement of Merchant Banker
Advisory No. 9: Standards and Specifications of National Common Mobility Card
Advisory Note No. 1 on the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to guide the establishment of SPV
Advisory Note No. 2 on Preparing DPR/RFP for Pan City Smart Solutions.
Advisory Note No. 3 on Engagement of Key Managerial Posts and Human Resources in SPVs
Advisory Note No. 4 on Promotion of Payments through Cards and Digital Means in Smart Cities
Advisory Note of Contract Conditions for Project Execution under HRIDAY
Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing in India - Key Initiatives for Inclusive Housing for All
Affordable Housing in Partnership: Scheme Guidelines
Affordable Housing in Urban India
Afghan Cities for Life - Respecting and Protecting the Environment for Healthy & Livable Cities
Ahmedabad Air Information and Response Plan
Ahmedabad Heat Action Plan 2017
Air Quality and Planning in Local Authorities
Airpocalypse: Assessment of Air Pollution in Indian Cities
Alexandria City Council - Strategic Plan
All Abilities Park – Visakhapatnam
All change, please: How shifting passenger behavior can improve mobility in cities
AMRUT Mission Statement and Guidelines
AMRUT: Operational Guidelines for Individual Capacity Building
AMRUT: Short Film
An Assessment of Faecal Sludge Management Policies and Programmes at the National and Select State Levels
Annual Survey of India's City-Systems 2016: Shaping India's Urban Agenda
Application of ICTs for Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector: Developing country experiences and emerging research priorities
Application of Smart Cells to Spatial Plans
Appraisal Checklist for Urban Transport Projects
Assam State Distater Management Plan
Assessment of State Implementation of Business Reforms
Aurora, Colorado Solar Case Study
Background Paper on Solar Cities
Ballarat, Australia: Managing local waste resources effectively
Bauru Scores Big with GE LED Signals
Best Practice in National Support for Urban Transportation: Part 1
Best Practice in National Support for Urban Transportation: Part 2
Best Practices for Traffic Signal Operations in India
Best Practices in Urban Transport
Best Practices: Habitat Planning & Design for the Urban Poor
Better Streets, Better Cities
Bhopal Smart City Proposal: Short Film
Bhubaneswar One - Bhubaneswar
Bio-Digesters: An Eco-Friendly Solution for Human Waste Management
Biogas Generation, Purification And Bottling Development In India – A Case Study
Blending toward competency Early patterns of blended learning and competency-based education in New Hampshire
Breathing Cleaner Air: Ten Scalable Solutions for Indian Cities
Bridging Global Infrastructure Gaps (Full Report)
Bridging Global Infrastructure Gaps (In Brief)
Bringing Health Care Home for Low-Income Older Adults
Building a Pedestrian City: Indore A Place for People
Building a Stairway Out of Poverty in Rochester: Smarter Cities Challenge report
Building Child Friendly Cities: A Framework for Action
Building Cities Neighbourhood Upgrading and Urban Quality of Life
Building Future Sanitation Models
Building safe and inclusive cities for women: A practical guide
Building Smart Cities in India - Allahabad, Ajmer, And Visakhapatnam
Building Smarter and Safer Communities
Building with Nature
Bus Karo 2.0 - Case Studies from India
Bus Karo: A Guidebook on Bus Planning & Operations
Bus Terminal Design Guidelines
Business Case And Model Contract For A Septage Management Project Under A Public Private Partnership Arrangement - The Philippine Water Revolving Fund Follow On Program
Business Models for Smart Grid
Business Responsibility Disclosures: Sustainability in practice in India
Capacity Building and Training (Operational Guidelines): National Urban Livelihoods Mission
Capacity Building for Solid Waste Management
Capacity Needs Assessment: Addressing Urban Faecal Sludge And Septage Management
Capitalising on India’s Urban Growth
Caring for your heritage building: building owner's information
Carsharing: A Vehicle for Sustainable Mobility in Emerging Markets?
Case Studies In Improving Urban Air Quality
Case Studies: Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Amravati, Maharashtra
CERC (Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2017
Certificate Program in Public Procurement - Self Paced
Challenges and Reforms in Urban Governance: Insights from the Development Experience of China and Singapore
Changing the Culture of Data Use in Delaware: How State Leaders Used Analytics to Create Education Policies That Matter
Chief Minister's Jan Awas Yojana - 2015
Children, Food security and nutrition, MDG - F Thematic Study: Review of Key Findings and Achievements
Chintan’s Assessment Tool for Informal Sector Inclusion (CATISI) in Solid Waste Management
Circular Economy Pathways for Municipal Wastewater Management in India: A Practitioner’s Guide
Circular land use management in cities and urban regions – a policy mix utilizing existing and newly conceived instruments to implement an innovative strategic and policy approach
Cities Alive: Towards a walking world
Cities and Climate Change Leadership (Self-paced) by World Bank Group
Cities and Climate Change: An Urgent Agenda
Cities and Flooding : A Guide to Integrated Urban Flood Risk Management for the 21st Century
Cities as engines of economic growth: The case for providing basic infrastructure and services in urban areas
Cities As Engines of Inclusive Development
Cities Provide A Transformational Opportunity To Reduce Risk Accumulation
Cities Provide Transformational Opportunity To Reduce Risk Accumulation
Citizen Participation in Decision-Making: Is it Worth the Effort?
Citizen-Centric Model Development Based On Identification Of Urban Issues
Consolidated FDI Policy
Citizens App: Action Udaipur – Udaipur
City Analytics
City Development Strategies to Reduce Poverty
City Development Strategy: A Conceptual Framework
City Management and Urban Renewal
City of Calgary: Using Data to Predict and Mitigate Floods
City of Kirkwood Strategic Plan
City Surveillance – Ahmedabad
Cleaning a Nation: Cultivating a Healthy Living Environment
Cleaning Delhi's Air: Implementation Action Plan
Climate Change and Labor: Impacts of Heat in the Workplace
Climate Information and Early Warning Systems Communications Toolkit
Closing the water loop: Reuse of treated waste water in urban India
Closing the Water Loop: Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Urban India
Cloud Support Data Management Infrastructure for Upcoming Smart Cities
Command & Communication Center Stakeholders Consultations
Command & control centers “ Design standards,technology & integration challenges “
Common Payment Card System (CPCS) – Bhubaneswar
Community Comes Together To Modernise Mumbai’s 150-Year-Old Bhendi Bazaar
Community Managed Sanitation Complexes, Tiruchirapalli
Comparative Study of Smart Cities in Europe and China
Compendium Environment Statistics India 2013
Compendium of Best Practices in States
Compendium of Best Practices of Child Friendly Cities
Compendium of Best Practices on RTI: Volume 1
Compendium of Prospective Emerging Technologies for Mass Housing
Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies
Compendium on Urban Performance Indicators
Compilation of 24 SuSanA Case Studies
Compilation of 25 case studies on sustainable sanitation projects from Africa
Compilation of 27 case studies on sustainable sanitation projects from Sub-Sahara Africa
Compilation of Neighbourhood Good Practices
Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Pune City
Concept Design: “All Abilities” Children Park
Conducting Outreach Sessions in urban areas (NUHM)
Confronting the Urban Housing Crisis in the Global South: Adequate, Secure, and Affordable Housing
Conjunctive Water Management
Connecting Brazil’s Children to a Healthier Future
Connecting Cities: Mobility -- Unlocking Potential in Emerging Markets
Connecting India to Disconnect Poverty
Conservation and Management of Lakes- An Indian Perspective
Conservation And Restoration of Hari Rao Holkar ‘Chhatri’ – Indore
Conservation and Restoration of Water Bodies in Urban Areas
Conservation DPR For Walled City Bazaars Under Virasat Sanrakshan Programme
Conservation of Bazaars in the Walled City – Udaipur
Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules
Costs and Benefits of Urbanization: The Indian Case
Count me in: Surveying for tenure security and Urban land management
Course Material on Waste Water Management
Coursera: Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
Coursera: Planning & Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies
Creating Infrastructure for a Better Tommorrow
Creating Liveable Cities Through Car-Lite Urban Mobility
Crematoria Material Specifications
Culture and Development MDG - F Thematic Study: Review of Key Findings and Achievements
Decarbonization of Indian Railways
Decentralized Waste Water Management
Declaring your City/Town Open Defecation Free
Decoupling Economic Growth From Resource Consumption
Delhi Slum & JJ Rehabilitation and Relocation Policy, 2015
Delhi Vision Statement : The Green Climate Fund
Delivering a Sustainable Financial System in India
Delivering Sustainable Energy in a Changing Climate: Strategy Note on Sustainable Energy
De-mystifying Impact Investing
Derisking Renewable Energy Investment
Design Guidelines for Energy Efficient Multi Story Residential Buildings
Design of IoT Systems and Analytics in the context of Smart City initiatives in India
Developing a Framework for Renegotiation of PPP Contracts
Developing a Regulatory Framework for Municipal Borrowing in India
Developing Business Models for Fecal Sludge Management in Maputo
Developing Historic Cities: Keys for Understanding and Taking Action
Development of a smart city planning support tool using the cooperative method
Development of Solar City Programme, Status Note on Solar Cities (As on 15.09.2015)
Developmental Impacts and Sustainable Governance Aspects of Renewable Energy Projects
DEWATS for a high density urban gated community
Digital dimension of smart city: critical analysis
Digital India Awards 2016
Disaster Risk Reduction in Urban Scenario: Challenges for South Asia
Discussion Paper: Building Transparency, Accountability and Anti-corruption into the Post 2015 Development Agenda
Double Plumbing System & Recycling of Gray Water in Homes: An Approach to lower down consumption of water supply in Urban Areas
Draft National Energy Policy
Draft National Urban Rental Housing Policy (2015)
Draft Parking Management Strategy: Case of Kakinada
Earthquake Management Plan
Ease Of Doing Business
Eco Home for sustainable water management: A case study in Kathmandu, Nepal
Ecodesign for Cities and Suburbs (Self Paced)
Economic Survey 2016-17
Economic Survey 2016-17: Volume II
ECube labs: Case Study City of Seoul
Education Technology in India: Designing Ed-Tech for Affordable Private Schools
edX:The Challenges of Global Poverty
E-Learning Portal for Swachh Bharat (Urban)
E-learning: Sustainable Urban Mobility in Developing Countries
Electric Buses in India: Technology, Policy and Benefits
Electric Vehicles in Europe
Electric vehicles: Literature review of technology costs and carbon emissions
Electromobility: Overview, Examples, Approaches, Sustainable Urban Transport Document 15
electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (eVIN)
Elementary Education In Urban India; where do we stand?
Emerging Pattern of Urbanisation in India
Employment through Skills Training & Placement
Employment through Skills Training & Placement, (Operational Guidelines): National Urban Livelihoods Mission
End to End Early Warning System for Ukai and Local Floods in Surat City
Energy Efficiency in Cities (Self-paced)
Energy Savings in Homes
Engaging Citizens: A Game Changer for Development?
Enhancing climate resilience of Gorakhpur city by buffering floods in Gorakhpur city through climate resilient peri-urban agriculture
E-Procurement Learning (Self-Paced)
E-Rickshaw Operational and Deployment Strategy: Case of Kakinada
E-Toilets – Solapur
Evaluating Social Programs
Evolving Cities: Exploring the relations between urban form resilience and the governance of urban form
E-Waste (Management) Rules
Exhaust Emissions of Transit Buses: Sustainable Urban Transportation Fuels and Vehicles
Exim Bank Working Paper on International Solar Alliance : Nurturing Possibilities
Exploratory Research on Smart Cities: Theory, Policy and Practice
Exploring the Benefits of Technology to Government and Society: A study of Thomson Reuters Aumentum in the City of Cape Town, South Africa
Faecal Sludge Management
Faecal Sludge Management: Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation
Feasibility Report for Kumharon Ka Bhatta with an Alternative Intersection Improvement: Case Study from Udaipur
Financing a City: Developing Foundations for Sustainable Growth
Financing for Development: Unlocking Investment Opportunities
Financing Mechanisms for Wastewater and Sanitation
Financing sustainable development: The critical role of risk and resilience
Financing Sustainable Urban Transport: International Review of National Transport Policies and Programmes
Footpath design: A guide to creating footpaths that are safe, comfortable, and easy to use
Formulation of GIS Based Master Plan for AMRUT Cities: Design & Standards
Forum Report: 4th Edition India m2m + iot Forum 2017 - capitilizing connected world
Framework for a smart water management system in the context of smart city initiatives in India
From Climate Science to Action
From MDGs to Sustainable Development For All: Lessons from 15 Years of Practice
From Toilets to Rivers: Experiences, New Opportunities and Innovative Solutions
Functional Requirements of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) In India
Future Cities (Self Paced)
Future-Proofing IT for Smart City Services
Garbage Collection and Management - Jabalpur
Gender and Urban Planning: Issues and Trends
Gender Equality for Smarter Cities: Challenges and Progress
Gender Sensitive Transport Planning for Cities in India
General Operating Guidelines for Registeration of OEMs and Vehicles Models
Geoinformatics Applications in Disaster Management: Training Module
GeSI SMARTer 2020: The Role of ICT in Driving a Sustainable Future
'Get a Toilet': Building demand for toilets
Getting smarter about smart cities: Improving data privacy and data security
Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2017
Global education monitoring report, 2016
Global Good Practices in Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Disposal/Reuse with Special Reference to Common Effluent Treatment Plant
Global Outlook on Walking and Cycling: Policies and Realities around the world
Global Report on Culture for Sustainable Urban Development
Global Risks Report 2017
Global Street Design Guide
Global Toolkit on the 3x6 approach: Building resilience through jobs and livelihoods
Global Waste Management Outlook
Good Practice Guide - Bus Rapid Transit
Good Practice Guide - Climate Change Adaptation in Delta Cities
Good Practice Guide - Climate Positive Development
Good Practice Guide - Cool Cities
Good Practice Guide - Creditworthiness
Good Practice Guide - District Energy
Good Practice Guide - Low Emission Vehicles
Good Practice Guide - Municipal Building Efficiency
Good Practice Guide - Sustainable Solid Waste Systems
Good Practice Guide - Transit Oriented Development
Governance and the Law
Government of Karnataka Project Tender S.U.R.E. Report
GPS-Based Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring System (VTMS) for SWM - Indore
Graded Response Action Plan Per Control of Air Pollution in Delhi and National Capital Region of Delhi and Letter to EPCA
Greater Visakhapatnam Smart City Corporation Limited: Analysis and Benchmarking - Projects
Green and Resilient Development: A case study of ZED Homes in Bangalore
Green Button: India Smart Grid Task Force
Green Infrastructure: Managing Storm Water in NYC
Green Infrastructure: Managing Stormwater in NYC; A Teacher’s Guide and Classroom Resource
Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities
Grid-connected SPV Rooftop systems
Growth Management of the Capital Region
GTU E-Courses on Smart Cities Development
Guidance Notes for Continuous Water Supply (24-7 Supply)
Guidance Notes: Model RFP Templates for Consulting Services
Guidance on protecting people from disasters and environmental change through planned relocation
Guidelines for ASHA and Mahila Arogya Samiti in the Urban Context
Guidelines for Decentralised Wastewater Management
Guidelines for Design and Construction of Cyclone/Tsunami Shelters
Guidelines for FDl in development of integrated township including housing and building material
Guidelines for National Lake Conservation Plan
Guidelines for Post - Award Contract Management for PPP Concessions
Guidelines for Preparation of Action Plan – Prevention and Management of Heat - Wave
Guidelines for Septage Management in Maharashtra
Guidelines for Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM)
Guidelines Night Shelter for Urban Shelterless
Guiding Principles for Climate City Planning Action
Guiding Urban Growth
Gujarat Waste to Energy Policy 2016
Habitat III Issue Papers 4 – Urban Culture and Heritage
Handbook of Drought Indicators and Indices
Handbook of Service Level Benchmarking
Handbook of Statistics on Indian States 2016-2017
Handbook of Urban Statistics 2016
Handbook on Barrier Free and Accessibility
Handbook on Urban Laws and Policies that Impact Housing Vol- II
Harnessing New Generation and Storage Technologies for the Grid
Harnessing Sustainable Linkages for SMEs in Turkey’s Textile Sector
Harnessing the Internet of Things for Global Development
Health as the Pulse of the New Urban Agenda
Health insurance for India’s poor
Heat Waves, India-Urban Climate Change fact sheets
Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY)
High-Density Cities
Higher education in India: Moving towards global relevance and competitiveness
Historic Districts for All - India, a social and human approach for sustainable revitalisation (Brochure for local Authorities)
Historic Districts for All - India, a social and human approach for sustainable revitalisation (Manual for City Professionals)
Home-Based Workers in Ahmedabad, India
Housing as a Health Care Investment: Affordable Housing Supports Children's Health
Housing Finance
Housing for All by 2022
Housing Policy
How Adelaide revitalized itself through ‘placemaking’
How smart are our cities?
How the Cloud is Revolutionizing the Future of Water Utility Management
HPEC Report and Recommendations
Human Development Report 2016
Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in India: Current Scenario and Market Incentives
ICT as an enabler for smart water management
ICT Deployment and Strategies for India's Smart Cities: A Curtain raiser
ICT in Primary Education
ICT in Urban Services
Identifying the Economic Potential of Indian Districts
Implementation Guidelines for the Project “CSC 2.0- A way forward
Implementation of Integrated Command & Control Centre in Smart Cities - Kakinada
Improving and Upgrading IPT Vehicles and Services: A Study
Improving Lives
Improving Municipal Solid Waste Management in India
Improving the Viability of Alternative Water Transfer Methods (ATMs) in Colorado: A Synthesis of Research and Findings from the Getches‐ Wilkinson Center, 2014‐2015
Improving Urban Water Supply & Sanitation Services
Inclusive Cities - Towards Gender Equality, Youth Empowerment and Non-Discrimination
Inclusive Cities Approach Paper
Inclusive Design for Street Vendors in India
Inclusive Heritage-based City Development Program in India
India Habitat III National Report 2016
India Healthcare: Inspiring possibilities, challenging journey
India Leaps Ahead: Transformative Mobility Solutions For All
India Skills Report 2017
India Smart Cities: Success Stories from Mission Cities
India’s Urban Economy - Generating Employment and Sustaining Growth
Indian Cities: Managing Urban Growth
Indian smart cities can become lighthouses for the world, says London School of Economics
Indian towns fare poorly on basic infra, socioeconomic indicators
India's Smart Cities Challenge
India's Smart City Challenge
India's Top 20 Promising Cities
India's Urban Awakening: Building inclusive cities, sustaining economic growth
Indicators for CHIld friendly Local Development: I-CHILD
Individual Toilets for Urban Slums - Kakinada
Industrial Policy - 2017
Innovation for 2030
Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals
Innovation Friday: Finding Smart Solutions (The Potential & Risk of ICT)
Innovation Friday: Transforming Cities Through Strategic Planning
Innovation Fridays: Smart Financing - Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Smart Cities
Innovation Improves Efficiency and Quality of Municipal Services
Innovation in Europe’s Cities
Innovation Monday: Q&A on Public-Private Partnerships for SPV Financing
Innovation Monday: Q&A on Smart Urban Form For Area-Based Development
Innovation Wednesday: Cities for Citizens
Innovation Wednesdays: Q&A - Submitting a Competitive Smart Cities
Innovative civic engagement and digital urban infrastructure: Lessons from 100 Smart Cities Mission in India
Innovative Public Transport Information Systems
Innovative Waste Pricker for MoUD
Instituting Rental Housing
Institutionalising Citizen Participation in Urban Governance
Institutionalising Citizen's Participation in Urban Governance
Integrated Command & Control Centre – Kakinada
Integrated ICT and Geospatial Technologies: Framework for 100 Smart Cities Mission
Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme (ILCS)
Integrated Smart City Command and Control Centre
Integrating Health Benefits into Transportation Planning and Policy in India - An Issue brief
Intelligent City Operations and Management Centre (ICOMC)
Intelligent Connectivity for Seamless Urban Mobility
Intelligent Transit Management System (ITMS) – Surat
Intelligent Water System for Smart Cities
International Guidelines on Decentralisation and the Strengthening of Local Authorities
International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning
International Guidelines on Urban Guidlines on Urban and Territorial Planning
Intersection Improvement in Udaipur: A Demonstration of Passive Junction Design Solutions
Investing in Affordable Housing to Promote Community Health
Issues and Risks for Monorail Projects and Metro Systems
J Card: An RFID Based Multi-Purpose Mobility Card for the City of Jabalpur.
Jerusalem and Netanya Water Utilities Monitor their Water Networks in Near Real Time
Journey of Ujwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY), Myth Busters, perspective of power generators
Kanaiwa Hospital's Non-Stop Network Supports Electronic Health Record System
Land Acquisition and Resettlement: Securing Resources for Development
Land Based Fiscal Tools and Practices for Generating Additional Financial Resources
Land Development and Management
Land Policies and Practices And Their Impact On Informal Settlements in Puducherry City
Land Readjustment (Self-Paced)
Landscape Review Mobile Education for Numeracy
Landslides, India - Urban Climate Change fact Sheets
Land-Use Planning and Development Control: Planning for Air Quality
Letter Order for Smart City Dashboard for Command and Control Centre of Greater Chennai
Leveraging Urbanisation in South Asia: Managing Spatial Transformation for Prosperity and Livability
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Five Urban Transport Systems
Liveability Index: Short Film
Liveability Standards in Cities
Locating The Debate - Poverty And Vulnerability In Urban India
Low Cost Smart Cities
Low-Carbon Mobility in India and the Challenges of Social Inclusion:- Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Case Studies in India
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reducation into Health: Strategies, Methodologies & Tools
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in Environment Sector: Guidelines and Tools
Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction In Housing Sector
Mainstreaming DRR in Development Planning: Training Module
Making Disabled Friendly Smart Cities
Making Joint Gender Programmes Work. Guide for design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Making Local Actions Matter: Good Practices in Decentralized Planning, Implementation and Monitoring
Making Mobility a Part of the Housing Development Practice - A Market Approach
Making Room for a Planet of Cities
Making schools work : new evidence on accountability reforms
Making Urban Data Usable Via Cloud Technology
Management Plan of the Complex of Hue Monuments
Managing Cultural World Heritage
Managing Indian Urban Heritage Precincts Through ‘Heritage Guidelines’- A Case Study Of Deulwadi Precinct In Uran, Maharashtra
Managing Peri-Urban Expansion - A Study of Planning Approaches adopted in Delhi, Beijing and New York to Manage Regional Growth
Managing Systems of Secondary Cities
Manufacturing Cities - Industrial Policy and Urban Growth
Mapping India’s Renewable Energy growth potential: Status and outlook 2013
Mapping Sanitation Solutions: A report in collaboration with LSHTM and DOMESTOS
Market Based Solutions to Safe Drinking Water: Approaches and Constraints
Massive Open Online Course on Citizen Engagement
Maximising use value: Action guide for informal areas
Metropolitan Advisories for Cities for Sports and Tourism
Metropolitan cities of India: Demographic, economic and social structures, and the status of basic infrastructure and housing
M-Governance: Jabalpur-311 - Jabalpur
Migration and Urbanisation in India in the Context of Poverty Alleviation
Mobilizing Private Finance for Sustainable Development
Mobilizing Sustainable Transport for Development: Analysis and Policy Recommendations from the United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport
Model Articles of Association for City Level Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) to be set up under Smart Cities Mission.
Model Request for Proposal (RfP) for Empanelment of Consulting Firms for Providing Technical Assistance to selected Smart Cities in Improvement of Revenue from Advertisement Tax
Model Request for Proposal (RFP) for Selection of Consulting Services for Municipal Tax and Fee Improvement- Improvement in Property Tax Collections
Model Request for Proposal for Credit Ratings of ULBs
Model Request for Proposals for PPP Projects
Model RFP for Development of Municipal Waste to Energy Projects under BOT Concession Framework
Model RFP for Selection of Consulting Services for Assessment of Non-Revenue Water and Developing Strategy and Implementation Action Plan for Reduction Plan for reduction of Non-Revenue Water in Select Smart Cities
Model RFP for Selection of Consulting Services for providing Technical Assistance to Selected Cities in generating revenue through Value Capture Financing Tools for Smart City Development
Model RFP Templates: Selection of Consulting Agencies for E-Governance Projects
Model State Affordable Housing Policy (2015)
Model Tender Document / Guidelines for Urban Local Bodies / DISCOMs for Grid connected Rooftop Solar PV Systems
Modern Trams (Light Rail Transit) for Cities in India
Modern Urbanization: Challenges in Setting up Smart Cities
Modernization of Crematoria
Modernization of Panjagutta Crematorium
Modernizing Of GVMC Schools – Visakhapatnam
More Power to India: The Challenge of Electricity Distribution
Motorized Two-Wheelers in Indian Cities: A Case Study of The City of Pune
Moving Innovation Forward
Moving Toward Climate-Resilient Transport The World Bank’s Experience from Building Adaptation into Programs
Moving Towards Sustainable and Resilient Smart Water Grids
Multi-level Car Parking – Udaipur
Multimedia in Education Curriculum
Municipal Accounting Reforms in India - An Implementation Guide
Municipal Budgetary and Financial Control Reforms: A Success Story of Vadodara Municipal Corporation
Municipal Finance Matters: India Municipal Finance Report (IMFR)
Municipal Finances - A Learning Program for Local Governments (Facilitated)
Municipal Governance - A Vital Piece of the Sub-National Governance Puzzle
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Crisis and Post-Crisis Setting
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
Municipal Solid Waste Management Manual
Municipal Solid Waste Management on a Regional Basis
Municipalities and People on the Move: Cities’ Development Policies for Successful Local Management of Migration and Displacement
Nagahama City Hall
Nagpur Smart & Safe City Project - Solution Components
Namma Toilet: A High Quality Toilet Solution
National Air Quality Index
National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NSDAP)
National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP)
National Disaster Management Toolkit for Urban Planning
National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020
National Health Policy 2017
National Innovation Initiatives (2010-2014)
National Institutional Ranking Framework: Methodology for Ranking of Academic Institutions in India
National Intellectual Rights Policy, 2016
National Investment in Urban Transport: Towards People’s Cities Through Land Use and Transport Integration
National Mission on Cultural Mapping And Roadmap
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat: Adaptation and Mitigation Measures In the field of Water Supply & Sanitation
National Policy on Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM)
National Policy on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) In School Education (Draft)
National Solar Mission, Best Practices Guide: Implementation of State-Level Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Programs in India
National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) Framework for Implementation
National Urban Health Mission and Medical colleges collaboration to strengthen urban health
National Urban Sanitation Policy
National Urban Transport Policy
Networks for Prosperity. Connecting Development Knowledge Beyond 2015
New Life for Historic Cities: The Historic Urban Landscape approach explained
New York City 2016 Drinking Water Supply and Quality Report
Next Generation Wind and Solar Power
Nigeria National ID Card
Non-conventional sewerage services: When to choose this option, how to implement this solution
Non-metropolitan Class I Cities of India: Demography, Economy and Social Structures, and the status of Basic Infrastructure and Housing
Non-Revenue Water: Financial Model for Optimal Management in Developing Countries
Nutrition Baseline Survey India
NYC Green Infrastructure Plan: A Sustainable Strategy for Clean Waterways
Off-Grid and Decentralized Solar Application Scheme
Off-grid Renewable Energy in India Technology & Service Overview 2014 - 2015
Office Memoradum: Empanelment of Transaction Advisory Firms for the assignment "Providing Technical Assistance to Urban Local Bodies in issuing Municipal Bonds for Smart City Projects".
Office Memoradum: Selection of Cities in Fast Track Round of Smart City Challenge Process
Office Memorandum for change in Nomination on the Board of Hubballi-Dharwad SPV
Office Memorandum for change in Nomination on the Board of Jaipur SPV
Office Memorandum for change in Nomination on the Board of Kochi SPV
Office Memorandum for change in Nomination on the Board of NDMC SPV
Office Memorandum: Citizen Consultations to Prepare Smart Cities Proposals (SCP).
Office Memorandum: Constitution of Apex Committee at National level under Smart Cities Mission (SCM).
Office Memorandum: Credit Ratings of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs)
Office Memorandum: Cyber Security Model Framework for Smart Cities.
Office Memorandum: Detailed Development Process of Modules / Packages for Projectivisation of Proposals.
Office Memorandum: Establishment of Smart City Advisory Forum in Smart Cities.
Office Memorandum: Financing of Smart Cities- Debt Financing Options from Multilateral Institutions
Office Memorandum: Follow up Focus Group Meeting with Principal Secretaries (UD)/State Mission Directors/CEOs of SPVs/ Municipal Commissioners of Smart Cities.
Office Memorandum: Inclusion of 11 cities to participate in the All India Competition (Stage 2) of the Smart City Challenge process
Office Memorandum: Individual Capacity Building - Empanelment of Training Entities
Office Memorandum: Key Activities Schedules for Preparation of Smart City Proposal (SCP)
Office Memorandum: Modification in the para 11.4 (ii) of the Smart Cities Mission Guidelines.
Office Memorandum: Next Steps to be taken by 30 winning cities of Round 3 of Smart City Challenge.
Office Memorandum: Operational Guidelines for Individual Capacity Building.
Office Memorandum: Promoting Innovative Smart Solutions Under Smart Cities Mission, Amrut And Swachh Bharat Mission
Office Memorandum: Selection of Cities in Round 3 of the Smart Cities All India Challenge
Office Memorandum: Shortlisting of potential Smart Cities in Stage 1 of the Smart Cities Challenge
Office Memorandum: Smart City Mission - Preparation of Smart City Proposals
Office Memorandum: Steps for conversion of Smart City Proposals into Projects.
Office Memorandun: Nomination of MoUD representative in the State Level High Powered Steering Committee (HPSC) for Smart Cities Mission
OGC Smart Cities Spatial Information Framework
OM: Empanelment of Consulting Firms for "Providing Technical Assistance in generating additional revenue through 'Value Capturing Financing' (VCF) Tools for Smart Cities Development'
OM: Empanelment of Consulting Firms for Providing Technical Assistance in Assessment of Non-Revenue Water (NRW) and developing strategy and implementation plans for reduction of NRW.
Online sharing of Water and Sanitation Knowledge
Open Educational Resources: Policy, Costs and Transformation
Open Gym - Solapur
Operation and Maintenance Manual for Solid Waste Processing Plants
Operational framework for building climate resilient health systems
Operational Guidelines Of NULM for Innovative & Special Projects (I&SP)
Orchestrating Infrastructure for Sustainable Smart Cities
Our Home Our Environment Our Future: Sustainable Singapore Blueprint 2015
Paris Agreement
Park for the Disabled at Nalgonda 'X' Roads
Parking Management Strategy: Case of Udaipur
Participatory Upgrading of Informal Areas A Decision-makers’ Guide for Action
Partnering for solutions: ICTs and smart water management
Phytorid Technology for Treatment of Sewage
Placemaking and the Future of Cities
Placemaking in Legacy Cities: Opportunities and Good Practices
Placemaking Project Guidelines
Placemaking: What if we Built our Cities Around Places?
Planning and Design Guidelines for Cycle Infrastructure
Planning for Tourism: Creating a Vibrant Singapore
Planning the City of Tomorrow in 3D
Planning, Connecting, and Financing Cities—Now: Priorities for City Leaders
Plastic Waste Management Rules (in Hindi and English)
Policy Approaches to Affordable Housing in Urban India - Problems and Possibilities
Policy for Housing for All in Urban Areas, Odisha, 2015
Policy for Repowering of the Wind Power Projects
Policy guidelines for mobile learning
Policy Lessons From South Korea's Development
Policy Paper on Septage Management in India
Port and the City: Balancing Growth and Liveability
Post Guidelines: Crowd Management, Intervention, and Control
Poverty, Inequality and Violence in Indian Cities: Towards Inclusive Policies and Planning
Power for All
PPP Guide for Practitioners
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban): Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for EWS/LIG
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban): Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for Middle Income Group (CLSS for MIG)
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Housing for All (Urban), Scheme Guidelines 2016
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana: MIS User Manual
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana; Amravati, Maharashtra
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Urban Passbook for Beneifciary Led Construction
Prasad Scheme Guidelines
Preparation of Master Plan for Solar Cities - Guidelines
Presentation by NASSCOM on Smart Solutions
Presentation on Best Practices on Rooftop Solar Power
Presentation on Bilbao's Transformation
Presentation on CGD by Mr. Ashutosh Jindal (JS-M/o P&NG)
Presentation on Citizens for City
Presentation on Convergence of CGD Network Development with the Smart City Mission
Presentation on Housing for All: Demand Assessment and Verification of Applications online
Presentation on IPDS in Smart Cities by Mr. A.K.Verma (JS-M/o POWER)
Presentation on Online Clearances Management Web Portal for U.T. Chandigarh
Presentation on Picking the Right Private Partner
Presentation on PPP Approach for Smart Cities by Economic Advisor (MoUD)
Presentation on Public Private Partnerships, Management and Governance
Presentation on Renewable Energy and Smart Cities Mission
Presentation on Renewable Policy Framework and Wind Energy Programme in India
Presentation on Revenue Models, Financing Options and Value Capture
Presentation on Rooftop Solar Initiatives
Presentation on Saifee Burhani Upliftment Trust (SBUT) for AMRUT & Smart Cities
Presentation on Smart Cities Mission by JS(SC)
Presentation on Smart City Operations Centre
Presentation on Smart City PPPs
Presentation on Smart City Proposal - Bhubaneswar
Presentation on Smart City Proposal - Indore
Presentation on Smart City Proposal - Jaipur
Presentation on Smart City Proposal - Pune
Presentation on Smart Solutions in developing ICT frameworks by Mr. Rajeev Kumar (JS-M/o E & IT)
Presentation on Solar Energy Applications in Smart Cities by Mr. Tarun Kapoor (JS-M/o NRE)
Prevention of hazardous waste in Europe - the status in 2015
Private Investment in Infrastructure Provision
Private Sector in Education
Process of change: Successful implementation of good water management practices in six cities
Promoting Cool Roof and Passive Ventilation Concepts for Indoor Temperature Comfort
Promoting entrepreneurship, employment and business competitiveness: The Experience of Barcelona
Promoting Innovative Smart Solutions Under Smart Cities Mission, AMRUT and Swachh Bharat Mission
Promoting Low Emission Urban Development Strategies in Emerging Economy Countries (Urban LEDS Project)
Proposed Prototype Designs for Shelter for Urban Homeless-NULM
Public Bicycle Schemes: Applying the concept in Developing Cities: Examples from India
Public Bicycle Sharing - Bhopal
Public Cycle Sharing Systems: A Planning Toolkit for Indian Cities
Public Engagement
Public Private Partnership Models for Development of Sustainable Urban Transport Systems
Public Private Partnership Projects in India: Compendium of Case Studies
Public spaces as a key to urban regeneration
Public Toilet Utilities on PPP Basis - NDMC
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): How can PPPs help deliver better services?
Pune Connect Mobile App – Pune
Pune Smart City: Place-Making
Quality of Life: Livability in Future Cities (Self Paced)
Quality Standards for Urban Primary Health Centre
(Re) Building Downtown: A Guidebook for Revitalization
Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) Guidelines and training Module for GIS, MIS & GIS - MIS Integration 2013 - 2022
Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) Quality Assurance Manual 2014
Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY): Guidelines for Community Participation 2013 - 2022
Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY): Guidelines for Preparation of Detailed Project Reports 2013 - 2022 & Training Module on DPR preparation
Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY): Guidelines for Preparation of Slum Free City Plan of Action 2013- 2022
Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY): Scheme Guidelines 2013-2022 & Training Model in Ray
Rapid Assessment Tool for City Septage Budgeting
Reading in the mobile era: A study of mobile reading in developing countries
Recent Trends in Technologies in Sewerage System
Recommendations of Working Group on Urban Transport for 12th Five Year Plan
Reconceptualising Smart Cities: A Reference Framework for India Compendium of Resources
Redeveloping Commercial Vacant Properties in Legacy Cities: A Guidebook for Linking Property Reuse and Economic Growth
Reforms to Accelerate the Development of India’s Smart Cities - Shaping the Future of Urban Development & Services
Regenerating Urban Land : A Practitioner's Guide to Leveraging Private Investment
Regional Development
Regulations for Net Metering Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive Systems: Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission
Regulatory Considerations in Smart Grid in India
Reimagining India’s Urban Future - A Framework for Securing High-Growth, Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Urban Development in India
Rejuvenating Dysfunctional Public Spaces Using Augmented Reality Systems (ARS)
Rejuvenating Neighborhoods and Communities Through Parks—A Guide To Success
Rejuvenation Of Lakes – Udaipur
Release of Rs. 180,00,00,000/- as advance to State Govt. for preparation of Smart City Proposal (SCP) under Smart Cities Mission (SCM) guidelines
Release of Rs. 2,00,00,000/- as advance to State Government of Sikkim for preparation of Smart City Proposal (SCP) under Smart Cities Mission (SCM) guidelines in respect of Namchi Municipality.
Release of Rs. 2,00,00,000/- as advance to UT of Daman & Diu for preparation of Smart City Proposal (SCP) in respect of Diu under Smart Cities Mission (SCM) guidelines
Renewable energy and energy efficiency in developing countries: contributions to reducing global emissions
Renewable Energy and Green Growth in India
Renewable Energy in Cities
Renewable Energy Innovation Policy: Success Criteria and Strategies
Renewable energy’s transformation of the Indian electricity landscape
Renewable Infrastructure Investment Handbook: A Guide for Institutional Investors
Renovating the Grid and Revitalizing a Neighborhood
Rental Housing for the Urban Poor in Guwahati
Report of Expert Group on 175 GW RE by 2022
Report of Steering Committee on Urbanization, Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017)
Report of the AP PHED Team on Study Visit to Mumbai from 15-16th May 2016 on Soil-Bio-Technology (SBT) based Sewage Treatment Plants
Report of the Committee Constituted to Propose Taxi Policy Guideline to Promote Urban Mobility
Report of the Committee on National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN)
Report of the Committee on Revisiting and Revitalising Public Private Partnership Model of Infrastructure
Report of the Committee on Revisiting and Revitalizing Public Private Partnership Model of Infrastructure
Report of the Committee on Slum Statistics
Report of The Eleventh Finance Commission (for 2000-2005)
Report of The Eleventh Finance Commission on the Additional Terms of Reference (for 2000-2005)
Report of the Expert Committee on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Report of The Fourteenth Finance Commission (2015-2020)
Report Of The High Powered Committee On Decongesting Traffic In Delhi
Report of the Task Force on Waste to Energy (Volume I) ( In the context of Integrated MSW Management)
Report of the Technical Group on Urban Housing Shortage (TG - 12) (2012-17)
Report of The Thirteenth Finance Commission (2010–2015)
Report of the Twelfth Finance Commission (2005-2010)
Report of the Working Group on Financing Urban Infrastructure
Report of the Working Group on Migration
Report of theTechnical Group on Urban Housing Shortage (2012-17)
Report on Feasibility of Laying Common Duct in the City of Deoghar, Jharkhand for TRAI
Report on Indian Urban Infrastructure and Services
Report on Solid Waste Management in the Urban Local Bodies in Odisha
Report on Trend and Progress of Housing in India
Report on Trend and Progress of Housing in India 2014
Resilient Cities
Responsive Cities
Rethinking Smart Cities from the Ground Up
Retrofitting of Sarabha Nagar Market – Ludhiana
Retrofitting Plan to Promote Non Motorised Transport and Pedestrianisation (Jasola – Sarita Vihar)
Review of Literature in India's Urban Auto-Rickshaw Sector: A Synthesis of Findings
Revival of Mansagar Lake, Jaipur: A Case study
River Restoration: A Strategic Approach to Planning and Management
Riverfront Development – Indore
Road Safety Design Guidelines for Bus Rapid Transit in Indian Cities - Draft
Roadmap for improving City Bus Systems in India
Role of Real Estate Developers in Affordable Housing and Climate Change
Sabarmati Riverfront Development
Sabka Sapna Ghar Ho Apna: Stories of PMAY (U) Beneficiaries and Best Practices of States
Sabka Sapna Ghar Ho Apna: Stories of PMAY(U) beneficiarieS And Best Practices of States
Safe Access Manual: Safe Access to Mass Transit Stations in Indian Cities
San Diego Association Of Governments (Sandag): The Value Of GIS For Regional Collaboration
Sana'a: A City Development Strategy
Sanitation and Safety Planning
Sanitation in the circular economy: Transformation to a commercially valuable, self-sustaining, biological system
Sanitation Tool Compendium
Sarvajal Case Study, Ahmedabad, India
Scheme and Guidelines for Financial Support to Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure
Scheme and Guidelines for India Infrastructure Project Development Fund
Scheme of Shelters for Urban Homeless
Scheme of Shelters for Urban Homeless (Operational Guidelines): National Urban Livelihoods Mission
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy 2013
SDG Academy: Sustainable Cities
SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2017; Global Responsibilities: International spillovers in achieving the goals
Seeds of Knowledge. Contributing to Climate Change Solutions
Seeds of Knowledge: Contributing to Climate Change Solutions
Self Employment Programme (Operational Guidelines): National Urban Livelihoods Mission
Self Employment Programme: Operational Guideline
Self-Supply as a Complementary Water Services Delivery Model in Ethiopia
SENSEable City Lab
Septage Management (Capture to Disposal) - Regulations 2016
Septage Management Guide for Local Governments
Service Level Benchmarking (SLB) in "Urban Transport" (Draft Report)
Service Levels in Urban Water and Sanitation Sector - A Status Report (2010-2011)
Shape Your Waterfront, How to promote access, resiliency, and ecology at the water’s edge
Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH) -Operational Guidelines
Simplifying Delivery Of Social Security Benefits In Karnataka
Six case studies of economically successful cities
SKDx: Policy Lessons from South Korea's Development
Slum Upgrading: Lessons Learned From Brazil
SMAC (Smart City) Centre – Surat
Smart Cities
Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures
Smart Cities Financing Guide
Smart Cities India Readiness Guide
Smart Cities Mission: Two Years of Fulfilling Promises: Short Film
Smart Cities Open Data Guide
Smart Cities Readiness Guide
Smart Cities Seoul: a case study
Smart Cities, Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures (Self Paced)
Smart Cities: Strategic Focus on Real-time Infrastructure Control Systems
Smart City
Smart City Bhopal
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Aizwal
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Aligarh
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Allahabad
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Amravati
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Bengaluru
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Bilaspur
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Dahod
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Dehradun
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Gandhinagar
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Gangtok
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Jammu
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Jhansi
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Karimnagar
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Karnal
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Muzaffarpur
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Naya Raipur
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Pasighat
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Patna
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Pimpri Chinchwad
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Puducherry
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Rajkot
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Sagar
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Satna
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Shimla
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Srinagar
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Thiruvanthapuram
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Thoothukudi
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Tiruchirapalli
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Tirunelveli
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Tiruppur
Smart City Mission Statement and Guidelines
Smart City Opportunities For London
Smart City Proposal (SCP) template
Smart City Proposal (SCP) Template.
Smart Control System: Guideline 2.3
Smart Distribution Networks: A Review of Modern Distribution Concepts from a Planning Perspective
Smart governance – community participation is the pivotal force
Smart Grid Handbook for Regulators and Policymakers (Draft)
Smart Grid Vision and Roadmap for India
Smart Grids: An Approach to Dynamic Pricing in India
Smart Growth and Economic Success: Investing in Infill Development
Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities
Smart London Plan: Using the creative power of new technologies to serve London and improve Londoners’ lives
Smart Maps for Smart Cities
Smart Meter Investments Yield Positive Results in Maine
Smart Parks: Guideline No. 3.1, (iv)
Smart Pune: Creation of a Vision Community
Smart Roads - Coimbatore
Smart Roads - Davangere
Smart Roads – Indore
Smart Roads - Jabalpur
Smart Roads (Smart Poles And Street Lights) On PPP Basis – Bhopal
Smart Roads: Guideline No. 6.2
Smart Sewerage: Guideline No. 2.4 (iii)
Smart Solutions - Coimbatore
Smart Streets – Visakhapatnam
Smart Sustainable Cities- Policy and Regulatory Issues for India
Smart Water for Aurangabad City
Smart water management in cities
Smart Water Supply: Guideline No. 2.4 (i)
SMARTer2030 ICT Solutions for 21st Century Challenges
Social Innovation for Public Service Excellence
Social Mobilisation and Institution Development
Social Mobilisation and Institution Development (Operational Guidelines): National Urban Livelihoods Mission
Social Sector Service Delivery: Good Practices Resource Book 2015
Solar Energy (Self Paced)
Solar Radiation Resource Assessment in India
Solar Rooftop in NDMC Buildings - NDMC
Solid Waste Management Rules
Solid Waste Management Technology Manual
Solving India’s Renewable Energy Financing Challenge: Instruments to Provide Low-cost, Long-term Debt
Solving India’s Renewable Energy Financing Challenge: Which Federal Policies can be Most Effective?
South Asia’s Turn: Policies to Boost Competitiveness and Create the Next Export Powerhouse
Spatial Planning System
Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation
State Disaster Management Action Plan for the State of Uttarakhand
State Forward - Best Practices from Our States
State level Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Management Plans
State of the Low-Income Housing Market
State of the Sewers 2016, Performance Metrics
Status of Children in Urban India: Baseline Study 2016
Strategic Plan for New and Renewable Energy Sector for the period 2011 - 17
Strategic Renovation
Strategies and Lessons for Comparing Better & Strengthening Risk in Coastal Regions of India
Strategy for Urban Waste Water Management
Street Vendors in Ahmedabad, India
Streets for All Toolkit
Strengthening Arbitration and its Enforcement in India – Resolve in India
Summary of Discussions and Response to Queries of the Pre-Bid Meeting for "Selection of project Management Consultant (PMC) to Design, Develop, Manage and Implement Smart City Projects at Port Blair"
Support to Urban Street Vendors
Support to Urban Street Vendors (Operational Guidelines): National Urban Livelihoods Mission
Supporting Childhood Wellness through Healthy, Affordable Housing
Supporting Educational Achievement with Afterschool Programs Located in Affordable Housing
Supporting Smart Urban Mobility and Built Environment in Four Indian Cities: Overview Report
Surat City Vision
Surat Smart City Proposal
Sustainable Cities – Inclusive, Green And Competitive
Sustainable Cities and Rapid Urbanisation: Mapping Institutions, Researchers and Funders in India
Sustainable Development of National Territory
Sustainable Lifestyles
Sustainable Social Housing Initiative
Sustainable Tomorrow: Harnessing ICT PotentialRapid
Sustainable Urban Design Guidelines for Waterfront Developments
Sustainable Urban Environments (Self Paced)
Sustainable Urban Land Use Planning (Self-paced)
Sustainable Urban Transport in India: Role of the Auto-rickshaw Sector
Sustainable Urban Transport: Principles and Implementation Guidelines for Indian Cities (Draft Report)
Sustainable Urbanization Strategy
Sustainable Water Distribution Strategy with Smart Water Grid
Sustaining Places: Best Practices for Comprehensive Plans
Swachh Bharat Mission Exposure Workshop Project (May - October, 2016)
Swachh Bharat: Swachh Vidyalaya, A National Mission
Swachh Clubs, Standard Operating Procedures
Swachh Office, Standard Operating Procedures
Swachh Parks, Standard Operating Procedures
Swachh RWAs, Standard Operating Procedures for Residents' Welfare Associations
Swachh Volunteering: A ready-reckoner for organizations and individuals to contribute to the cause of Swachh Bharat Mission
Swadesh Darshan: Scheme Guidelines for Integrated Development of Theme-Based Circuits
Tackling Extreme Inequality in India
Tackling Urban Poverty
Task Force on Promoting Affordable Housing
Technology Innovation for Sustainable Development (Self Paced)
Ten Strategies for keeping Children Safe on the Road
Tenure security and urban social protection in India
The 8 principles on How to Make an Smart City - Barcelona
The Bikeshare Planning Guide
The BoP Education Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in India: Collaboration between GIZ and Perspectful
The BRT Standard
The Case for Incremental Housing
The Case for Smart Water
The contribution of ICT to energy effciency: local and regional initiatives
The contribution of ICT to Energy Efficiency: local and regional initiatives
The Demography of Adaptation to Climate Change
The Digitisation of Sanitation: Transformation to smart, scalable and aspirational sanitation for all
The Emissions Gap Report 2016
The Evolution of National Urban Policies: A Global Overview
The first Biogas Bottling Plant towards commercialization in India – A success story
The Future of Smart: Harnessing Digital Innovation to Make London the Best City in the World
The Future of Urban Development & Services: Urban Development Recommendations for the Government of India
The Impacts of Affordable Housing on Education
The Importance of Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961) by Jane Jacobs to the Profession of Urban Planning
The Issues and Challenges of Reducing Non-Revenue Water
The Little Book of GRIHA Rating
The mHealth Case in India
The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015
The Policy Climate
The Private School Revolution in Bihar: Findings from a survey in Patna Urban
The Promise of Big Data in Real Estate Policy: Identifying Problems and Workable Solutions in Real Time
The Public Participation Handbook: Making Better Decisions Through Citizen Involvement
The Public Realm
The Real Estate (Regulation And Development) Act, 2016
The road to resilience: Managing cyber risks
The Road to Universal Health Coverage
The Role and Impact of Private Schools in Developing Countries
The Role of Anchor Institutions in Restoring Neighborhoods: Health Institutions as a Catalyst for Affordable Housing and Community Development
The Role of Community Land Trusts in Fostering Equitable Transit-Oriented Development:
The Role of the Private Sector to Scale Up Climate Finance in India
The Smart City Challenge Round 1: Smart City Proposal Bhubaneswar
The Smart City Challenge Round 1: Smart City Proposal Coimbatore
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Agra
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Ahmedabad
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Ajmer
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Amritsar
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Aurangabad
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Belgavi
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Bhopal
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Chennai
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Davanagere
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Guwahati
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Indore
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Jabalpur
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Jaipur
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Jalandhar
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Kakinada
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Kalyan-Dombivli
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Kanpur
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Kochi
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Kohima
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Kota
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Ludhiana
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Madurai
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Mangaluru
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Nagpur
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Namchi
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Nashik
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal New Delhi
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Pune
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Rourkela
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Salem
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Shivamogga
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Solapur
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Surat
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Thane
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Thanjavur
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Tirupathi
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Tumakuru
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Udaipur
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Varanasi
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Vellore
The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Visakhapatnam
The Smart City Challenge-Round 2: Smart City Proposal-Ujjain
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Agartala
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Bhagalpur
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Chandigarh
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Dharamsala
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Faridabad
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Gwalior
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Hubballi-Dharwad
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Imphal
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Lucknow
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-New Town Kolkata
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Panaji
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Port Blair
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Raipur
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Ranchi
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Ujjain
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Vadodara
The Smart City Challenge-Stage 2: Smart City Proposal-Warangal
The State of Afghan Cities - Vol 2
The State of Afghan Cities-Vol 1
The State of City Climate Finance
The Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014
The Telangana State Heatwave Action Plan
The Urban Development Investment Corporations (UDICs) In Chongqing, China
The Water Report 2016
The World Heritage Resource Manual Series
Thinking Spatially
Thrust areas under NUHM for states focus: Community Processes
Toolkit for analysis of Urban Infrastructure Projects for Public-Private-Partnerships under JNNURM - Draft
Toolkit for Comprehensive Capacity Building Programme
Toolkit for Public Private Partnership frameworks in Municipal Solid Waste Management
Top 14 Best Practices for Building Video Surveillance Networks
Top Ten Urban Innovations
Towards a More Equal City: Framing the Challenges and Opportunities
Towards Drinking Water Security In India: Lessons from the Field
Towards New Urban Mobility: The case of London and Berlin
Towns of India: Demography, Economy and Social Structures, and the Status of Basic Infrastructure and Housing
Training for better Cities
Training Module on Urban Risk Mitigation
Transforming Cities into Metros
Transforming India 2030 – Financing Strategies for achieving Sustainable Cities
Transit Oriented Development - Guidance Document
Transit Oriented Development Along Rohtak Road (NH-10)
Transit Oriented Development at a Corridor Scale (Facilitated)
Transport Command And Control Centre – Pune
Triggering for Behaviour Change towards Open Defecation
Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojana (UDAY): State case studies: Haryana, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh
UN Habitat III: New Urban Agenda, Outcome document from Quito
Unbreakable: Building Resilience of the poor in the Face of Natural Disasters
Understanding India’s Urban Frontier: What Is behind the Emergence of Census Towns in India?
Unlocking the Potential of Urban Communities Case Studies of Twelve Learning Cities, UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities
Upgradation of Eateries for Hygienic Street Food - Kakinada
Upscaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor (UBSUP) in Kenya
Urban and Regional Development Plans Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI) Guidelines
Urban Climate Change Resilience: Training Modules for Regional Training Institutes
Urban Climate Change Resilience: Training Modules for Urban Local Bodies
Urban Community based micro resilience model of exposed to climate and hydro-meterological risks
Urban Development Experience and Visions: India and the people's Republic of China
Urban Dialogue with Dr. M. N. Buch
Urban Dialogue with Prof KT Ravindran
Urban Dialogue with Prof Ravi Sundaram
Urban Dialogue with Prof. Dipankar Gupta
Urban Flooding, India - Urban Climate Change Factsheets
Urban Flooding: Standard Operating Procedure
Urban Framework
Urban Governance, Capacity And Institutional Development
Urban Green Growth Strategies for Indian Cities
Urban green space interventions and health: A review of impacts and effectiveness
Urban Green Spaces and Health: A Review of Evidence
Urban Heritage in Indian Cities
Urban India 2011: Evidence
Urban India: Status of Demography, Economy, Social Structure, Housing and Basic Infrastructure
Urban Landmark Resources: Managaing Urban Land - A Guide for municipal practioners
Urban Mobility
Urban Mobility: Strategies for Liveable Cities
Urban patterns for a Green Economy: Optimising Infrastructure
Urban Poverty in India and Post-MDG Framework
Urban Redevelopment: From Urban Squalor to Global City
Urban Reforms in Indian Cities
Urban Resilience Measurement: An Approach Guide and Training Curriculum
Urban Revitalisation in the US: Policies and Practices - Final Report
Urban Sanitation
Urban Service Monitoring System
Urban Solid Waste Management
Urban Solid Waste Management in Indian Cities
Urban Solidarity - Community Led Neighbourhood Upgrading by People for People
Urban Solutions
Urban Transport in India: Challenges and Recommendations
Urban Transport in India: Moving Towards Equity and Sustainability
Urban Transportation in Indian Cities
Urban WASH Strategy
Urban Water Supply
Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in Indian Cities
Urban Water Systems in India: A Way Forward
Urbanisation in India and the Environment
Urbanisation, Development and Housing Requirements in the National Capital Region (NCR)
Urbanization And Development: Emerging Futures - World Cities Report 2016
Urbanization, gender and urban poverty: paid work and unpaid carework in the city
Urine diversion dry toilets and greywater system, Erdos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
Use of ICT for Effective Urban Governance and Service Delivery in India: A Selection of Cases
Using Innovation and Technology to Improve City Services
Utilizing a New Approach to Supporting the Economic Mobility of Affordable Housing Residents
Value Capture Finance Policy Framework
Vienna Memorandum on World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture – Managing the Historic Urban Landscape
Volunteer Handbook - Volunteer Program
Vienna Memorandum on World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture – Managing the Historic Urban Landscape
Walkable and Bikeable Cities: Lessons from Seoul and Singapore
Waste Management in India - Shifting Gears
Wastewater treatment in flood affected areas using constructed wetlands, Nowshera, Pakistan (draft)
Wastewater treatment using constructed wetlands Tirana, Albania
Water ATM Jal Jeevan: A Potential Co-Operative Movement
Water ATM Machine using PLC and Scada
Water ATMs create a splash
Water for All: Sustainable solutions for reducing and utilizing Sarvajal’s Reverse Osmosis brine in Northwestern India
Water for Development: Charting a Water Wise Path
Water Management: Drinking Water Treatment (Self Paced)
Water Management: Urban Sewage Treatment (Self paced)
Water Resource Management
Water Resources Management and Policy
What Government Ministries Need to Know about Non-communicable Diseases
What Makes Inclusionary Zoning Happen?
What's Up, Germany?: Smart Cities
Whitepaper on Digital Learning Market in India
World Cities Summit 2014
World Development Report 2016: Digital Dividends
World Development Report 2017 : Governance and the Law
World Energy Perspectives, 2016
World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate
World Heritage Paper 27: Managing Historic Cities
World Investment Report 2016: Investor Nationality: Policy Challenges
World Investment Report: Investment And The Digital Economy 2017
World Urbanisation Prospects: The 2014 Revision
Youth and The City
2016 Energy Trilemma Index: Benchmarking the sustainability of national energy systems
2016 UN World Water Development Report, Water and Jobs
2017 UN World Water Development Report, Wastewater: The Untapped Resource
8th India Innovation Initiative 2016: Review and Recommendations