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scp Muzaffarpur scp Muzaffarpur
Muzaffarpur Annexure Muzaffarpur Annexure

Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Muzaffarpur

The foremost strategy is to steer Muzaffarpur city towards sustainable and planned growth. We have focused on future development of the city nodes w.r.t. economic, environmental, social and institutional infrastructure. Also we aim to have a smart city governance, striving to be a financially sustainable and accountable service provider. Capacities of MMC and other government departments need to be enhanced, strategically using ICT to realize its full potential. The Strategic roadmap/blueprint has a multi-dimensional approach with four focus areas at the heart of the strategy:
• Seamless mobility and transport infrastructure
• Excellent economic output for city and region based on inherent strengths
• Skill Development 
• Inclusive and sustainable urban planning for local ecology and urban
• Engaged citizens and Efficient local government