Agra Smart City Limited's picture

Tender Document for Sewerage system in ABD area including 5 years operation and maintenance under Smart City Mission in Agra

Start Date: Mon, 17th Dec, 2018 | End Date: Mon, 7th Jan, 2019
Issued by: Agra Smart City Limited
Gangtok Smart City Development Limited's picture

Request for Proposal for Palace Rejuvenation, Retrofitting and Redevelopment at Gangtok, Sikkim including defect liability period of one year.

Start Date: Fri, 7th Dec, 2018 | End Date: Wed, 16th Jan, 2019
Issued by: Gangtok Smart City Development Limited
Chandigarh Smart City Limited's picture

Request for Proposal for Setting Up of Animal Carcass Incineration Plant at Chandigarh on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer Basis

Start Date: Thu, 18th Jan, 2018 | End Date: Fri, 18th Jan, 2019
Issued by: Chandigarh Smart City Limited
Gangtok Smart City Development Limited's picture

Request for Proposal for Road Junction Improvement including Defect Liability Period of One Year in Gangtok, Sikkim

Start Date: Wed, 26th Dec, 2018 | End Date: Mon, 21st Jan, 2019
Issued by: Gangtok Smart City Development Limited
Itanagar Smart City Development Corporation Limited's picture

Request for Proposal for Project Management Consultant (PMC) to Design, Develop, Manage and Implement Smart City Projects in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh

Start Date: Mon, 31st Dec, 2018 | End Date: Mon, 21st Jan, 2019
Issued by: Itanagar Smart City Development Corporation Limited
Chandigarh Smart City Limited's picture

Request for Proposal for Engagement of Agency for Design, Build, Operate, Finance and Transfer Public Bike Sharing System in Chandigarh on PPP Mode

Start Date: Mon, 31st Dec, 2018 | End Date: Tue, 22nd Jan, 2019
Issued by: Chandigarh Smart City Limited
Cochin Smart Mission Limited's picture

Request for Proposal for Implementation of Smart LED Lights in ABD Area of Kochi Smart City under Smart City Mission

Start Date: Wed, 26th Dec, 2018 | End Date: Wed, 23rd Jan, 2019
Issued by: Cochin Smart Mission Limited