Solapur City Development Corporation Limited's picture

Request for Proposal for Engineering-Procurement- Construction (EPC) Contract for four Garbage Transfer Stations in Solapur under Smart City Mission

Start Date: Wed, 2nd May, 2018 | End Date: Mon, 28th May, 2018
Issued by: Solapur City Development Corporation Limited
Hubbali-Dharwad Smart City Limited's picture

Request for Proposal For Selection of Concessionaire for Implementing Intelligent Poles Hubballi-Dharwad on BOOT model

Start Date: Wed, 14th Mar, 2018 | End Date: Wed, 30th May, 2018
Issued by: Hubbali-Dharwad Smart City Limited
Solapur City Development Corporation Limited's picture
Jabalpur Smart City Limited's picture

Request For Proposal For Appointment of Consultant For Development of Town Planing Schemes Along Proposed Narmada Samriddhi Corridor at Jabalpur

Start Date: Tue, 24th Apr, 2018 | End Date: Thu, 31st May, 2018
Issued by: Jabalpur Smart City Limited
Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited's picture

Request For Proposal for Development Of Parking Policy And Parking Management Plan For Bhubaneswar City & PMU For Implementation Support

Start Date: Wed, 16th May, 2018 | End Date: Mon, 11th Jun, 2018
Issued by: Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited
Agra Smart City Limited's picture

Request for Proposal for Selection of Agency for Pay & Use Public E-Toilet at Various places in Agra under Smart City Mission.

Start Date: Sat, 12th May, 2018 | End Date: Tue, 12th Jun, 2018
Issued by: Agra Smart City Limited
Solapur City Development Corporation Limited's picture

Request for Proposal for Installation of 40 E-Toilets at 20 locations in ABD area under Smart City in Solapur

Start Date: Fri, 11th May, 2018 | End Date: Tue, 12th Jun, 2018
Issued by: Solapur City Development Corporation Limited