This guidance note aims to support Government counterparts and strengthen UNDP Country Offices’ and implementing partners’ capacities to plan, design and implement projects for municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in crisis or post-crisis settings, as part of UNDP’s early recovery response.
The Guidance Note focuses in particular on livelihoods recovery and local government service delivery. It is assumed that readers do not have extensive experience in the area of MSWM. The guidance note is intended to inform UNDP Country Offices and implementing partners on the type of programmes UNDP could support in the area of MSWM in an early recovery setting, and provide information on how to plan, design and implement such projects.
MSWM projects are intended to contribute to livelihoods stabilization through the creation of temporary employment opportunities as well as environmentally and economically sustainable livelihoods opportunities for crisis-affected men and women. This is not just a livelihood intervention; it also strengthens the service delivery of the local governments and works towards fostering the relationship between the State and society. This document complements the series of UNDP Guidance Notes on Livelihoods Recovery and Local Governance.