The Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, had funded the setting up of a Centre of Excellence in the area of Decentralized Wastewater Management, in the Department of Civil Engineering at IIT Madras in the year 2009 (No. N-11025/30/2008/UCD). The scope of the project included: (i) preparation of detailed implementation plan in identified cities in case of decentralized wastewater management, (ii) helping the ULBs in the implementation of the plan for decentralized wastewater management plan, and (iii) documentation and dissemination of the concepts and findings. The CoE in DWWM at IIT Madras has worked extensively with ULBs in Guntur in Andhra Pradesh and Tiruchirapalli in Tamil Nadu in this regard. One of the other major responsibilities of the center is to prepare a manual on decentralized wastewater management.
A manual on the Decentralized Wastewater Management system, dealing with all aspects, has been prepared. The purpose of this capsule guideline is to provide the decision makers with an essence on various aspects of decentralized wastewater management. The soft version of the capsule guideline has several links to the appropriate chapters / sections of the manual to provide detailed information to engineers / consultants who may be engaged in planning, design,operation and maintenance.