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Smart City Proposal Udaipur Smart City Proposal Udaipur
Annexures Annexures

The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Udaipur

The Vision that has emerged from the strategy and consultative process is - “Eternal Udaipur: World's favourite Lakeside Heritage City”

Area Based Development: The plan is to modernise the civic amenities of the area selected while preserving the lakes and heritage which would tie in with the grand strategic vision of boosting tourism in the city. The key metrics of liveability improvement like 24x7 water and power, 100% sewerage, accessible mobility solutions, inclusivity of basic services, etc. Therefore the selection of area was done as per citizens wishes to ensure that it provided maximum thrust to tourism while improving the service delivery to maximum number of residents that could serve as a model for the rest of the city.

Pan City Proposal: The idea should be able to leverage the power of IT to enable various efficiency improvements, make governance transparent and processes simpler for people to access public services, particularly those who are deprived of other Smart City benefits by being located outside the area based development proposals