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Smart City Proposal Solapur Smart City Proposal Solapur
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The Smart City Challenge Stage 2: Smart City Proposal Solapur

Based on the strategic blueprint for Solapur, the two goals that the city shall strive to achieve are: Clean and Efficient. These goals also stand out in the various suggestions and feedbacks received from the citizens and other stakeholders. The agreed vision for the city is: “Solapur: Clean, Efficient, Progressive”

The intent of the area-based development shall be to encourage citizens to develop a sense of belonging to their neighborhoods and use the streets and public spaces as extensions of their habitats. Providing necessary infrastructure and clean, vibrant spaces shall be a catalyst to people living active, social and healthy lives.

The idea of pan city proposal is ICT based solution towards a responsive governance and a progressive economy. It aims to improve transparency, accountability and responsiveness of the government and simultaneously empower the governing body to strengthen their service delivery for the city to progress.