Preparation of these guidelines is mainly to assist the ULBs/States on the process to be followed for GIS mapping at City and Slum level, data entry of slum survey and household survey data into MIS and integration of this MIS with GIS at slum level and household level for preparation of SFCPoA & DPR. The key stakeholders are Slum Dwellers, ULBs, States and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation. GIS mapping & GIS MIS integration under RAY will need to be conducted only for cities with population more than 3 lakh (as per 2011 census). However, all cities which were included during preparatory phase of RAY will need to conduct GIS mapping & GIS MIS integration irrespective of city population.
ULBs will conduct the slum survey and input the data into Slum MIS. Concerned authorities at State and at the Ministry can review all reports for periodic monitoring of progress. All cities covered in preparatory phase and to be included during implementation phase (irrespective of city population), will be required to undertake data entry into Online Monitoring System for Slum, Household & Livelihood Survey.