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Transit Oriented Development Transit Oriented Development

Good Practice Guide - Transit Oriented Development

Cities worldwide are aiming to create more liveable, compact and well-connected communities to reverse the trend of sprawling development that relies on private vehicle travel and is poorly connected to public transit.

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is an urban planning principle that enables cities to create vibrant, people-focused neighbourhoods with maximum access to public transport and economic activity. TOD involves planning for high-density, mixed-use development alongside a robust public transport system. The benefits of TOD are widely documented, from reducing carbon emissions to achieving a range of other socio-economic benefits intrinsic to sustainable and liveable cities.

The Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) has produced a TOD Standards, setting out eight key urban design and land use principles that cities should consider in planning and delivering TOD. The C40 TOD Network was established to support cities in accelerating and advancing policies and actions to deliver TOD, facilitating the sharing of good practice and technical expertise amongst C40 cities.

The purpose of this Good Practice Guide is to summarise the key elements of transit oriented development good practices for global dissemination, highlighting the success of C40 cities in planning and delivering transit-oriented development.