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State Disaster Management Plan State Disaster Management Plan

Assam State Distater Management Plan

Section 23 of the Disaster Management Act 2005 provides that there shall be a Disaster Management Plan for every state. The State Plan shall be prepared by the State Executive Committee and shall be approved by the State Authority. This plan is prepared under the provisions outlined in the Disaster Management Act 2005 and Section 5 (State Plan) of Assam State Disaster Management Rules 2010

The aim of State DM Plan is to ensure that all components of Disaster Managament are addressed to facilitate planning, preparedness, operational, coordination and community participation. The purpose of ASDMP is to set out Government of Assam’s approach to DM in accordance with the operational and legislative responsibilities of the DM Act 2005 and Assam Disaster Management Rules 2010.

In accordance with the Disaster Management Act 2005 and Assam Disaster Management Rules 2010, the plan must include the following: Identify the vulnerability of different parts of the State to different forms of disasters; The measures to be adopted for prevention and mitigation of disasters; The manner in which the mitigation measures shall be integrated with the development plan and projects; The capacity-building and preparedness measures to be taken; The roles and responsibility of each department of the Government of the State on relation to prevention, mitigation, preparedness, capacity building, response and rehabilitation; The roles and responsibilities of different departments of the Government of the State in responding to any threatening disaster situation or disaster; The roles and responsibilities of community based organizations, international and national non-governmental organizations in activities of capacity building, response and relief.