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Transit Oriented Development Along Rohtak Road (NH-10)

Indian cities were always planned with a sense of finding all uses within a walkable distance, creating neighbourhood’s close to each other within a distance of 10 -15 minutes, distances which made the place more interactive and lively during the day as well as at the night. This further helped in preserving natural resources for the future generation by creating compact footprints and compact family sizes. The extensive push and pull of urban growth has led to the migration of people from villages to urban areas in need to fulfil their needs and aspirations for better future due to this migration of people and families from villages to urban centres. Due to this extensive pressure the cities were forced to swell and expand to accommodate more and more people. Due to high land values the people are forced to live on the fringes of the city and commute daily for a longer distance to earn their daily needs, which further leads to a haphazard development and uneven distribution of densities. This uneven distribution makes some areas dark and dingy during different hours of the day which leads to illegal and criminal activities.

Later with the addition of Metro as a mode of mass transit for the the city dwellers half of the trip generated are underutilized due to uneven development around these mass transit corridors, which puts an extra pressure on one end during the morning hours and in the evening on the other end of the mass transit.

To overcome such defficiences there is a need to restructure the city through enhancement of public transport with proper structuring of roads and urban form along the Metro stations through an hierachical development, which could reduce the use of private transport as a mode of comuting, and workplace and home could be approchedthrough a walkable or a cycle-able distance which could help in controlling the sprawl of urban areas and further could help in preserving land as a commodity and other natural resources for the future generations.