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Mani, Dr. Shyamala, and Dr. Satpal Singh. A Note on Bio-degradable Waste in India. New Delhi, India: National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), 2017.
Toolkit for Public Private Partnership frameworks in Municipal Solid Waste Management In Public Private Partnerships Knowledge Series. Vol. Volume I – Overview and Process.
Model RFP for Development of Municipal Waste to Energy Projects under BOT Concession Framework . New Delhi, India: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2015.
Capacity Building for Solid Waste Management. Thiruvananthapuram : Centre for Environment and Development, 2011.
Operation and Maintenance Manual for Solid Waste Processing Plants. Thiruvananthapuram : Centre for Environment and Development, 2011.
Smart Cities India Readiness Guide. Smart Cities Council, 2016.
Smart Cities Readiness Guide. Smart Cities Council, 2015.
Solid Waste Management Technology Manual. Thiruvananthapuram : Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2011.
Prevention of hazardous waste in Europe - the status in 2015. Copenhagen, Denmark: European Environment Agency (EEA), 2016.
Swachh Bharat Mission Exposure Workshop (May - October, 2016). New Delhi, India: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2016.
Cleaning a Nation: Cultivating a Healthy Living Environment In Urban Systems Studies. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities, 2016.
Action Plan for management of Municipal Solid Waste (Draft). New Delhi, India: Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), 2015.
Global Waste Management Outlook. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2015.