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IHUWASH. City Progress Report - Mysuru. New Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2019.
IHUWASH. WASH Economy Report. New Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2018.
IHUWASH. Innovative Toilet Concepts For Urban India. New Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2017.
IHUWASH. 5 Innovative WASH Solutions for an Inclusive Urban India. New Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2017.
IHUWASH. Compendium of WASH Innovations in India In Accelerated through IHUWASH program. New Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2019.
IHUWASH. 10 Innovative Approaches to Improve the Urban WA-S-H Sector in India. Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2017.
IHUWASH. Roadmap of WASH Ecosystem In The journey of Innovation Hub for Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Solutions. Delhi: National Institute of Urban Affairs, 2019.
5 Innovative WASH Solutions for an Inclusive Urban India. New Delhi, India: National Institute for Urban Affairs, 2017.
Making Cities Open Defecation Free: Systematic Approach in Maharastra. Urban Development Department, Government of Maharashtra, 2016.
Advisory on Septage Management in Urban India. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2013.
Sanitation and Safety Planning In Manual for safe use and disposal of wastewater, greywater and excreta. World Health Organisation (WHO), 2016.
Capacity Needs Assessment: Addressing Urban Faecal Sludge And Septage Management. New Delhi, India: National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), 2017.
Patimo, Francesco, and Carolyn Jones. 'Get a Toilet': Building demand for toilets. The Toilet Board Coalition (TCB), 2016.