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5 Innovative WASH Solutions for an Inclusive Urban India 5 Innovative WASH Solutions for an Inclusive Urban India

5 Innovative WASH Solutions for an Inclusive Urban India

The goal of the IHUWASH project is to improve the performance of the urban WASH sector in the country through agglomeration, incubation, and acceleration of innovations to address WASH issues. The first stage of this process, agglomeration, refers to the compilation of existing key innovations which have significantly influenced the WASH sector. ‘5 Innovative WASH Solutions for an Inclusive Urban India’ is the second document (the first being 10 Innovative Approaches to Improve the Urban WASH Sector in India) in a series of publications by IHUWASH to sensitize stakeholders and bring to the fore, innovative and simplified WASH solutions that have significantly benefitted urban India. The five case studies documented in this booklet have been grouped under three broad categories – water, sanitation and hygiene. These five case studies were selected based on the following criteria:

  • Addressing WASH solutions in urban India
  • Focusing on the needs of particularly low income communities
  • Sustainability in terms of life cycle cost, business model and livelihood opportunity
  • Delivery of low-cost quality services

It is hoped that this document will not only serve to sensitize important stakeholders in the IHUWASH pilot cities – Faridabad, Mysore and Udaipur but also encourage other practitioners to improve WASH performance in their respective locations.
The document is also an effort to encourage adoption and adaptation of similar innovations by WASH stakeholders, especially for low-income urban communities, thus creating an ecosystem for a simplified and inclusive approach to WASH.