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Greenberg, Sherri R.. Using Innovation and Technology to Improve City Services. Washington DC: IBM Center for The Business of Government, 2015.
Nigeria National ID Card. MasterCard, 2013.
Building Smarter and Safer Communities. Verizon Enterprise, 2015.
Innovation Improves Efficiency and Quality of Municipal Services. ABB Inc, Tropos Wireless Research Center, 2015.
Connecting India to Disconnect Poverty. Qualcomm Wireless Reach, 2015.
Smart Cities Readiness Guide. Smart Cities Council, 2015.
Council, Smart Cities. Smart Cities Open Data Guide. Smart Cities Council, 2015.
Bansal, Sanjeev. Smart Sustainable Cities- Policy and Regulatory Issues for India. New Delhi, India: Telecom Regulatory authority of India, 2015.
Geoinformatics Applications in Disaster Management: Training Module. New Delhi, India: National Institute of Disaster Management, 2012.
Implementation Guidelines for the Project “CSC 2.0- A way forward. New Delhi, India: Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India, 2015.