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Urban Poverty
Land Management
Working Paper
Social Issues
Citizen Engagement
Urban Growth and Economy
Initiatives, Development
Investments to end poverty 2018:meeting the financing challenge to leave no one behind
., 2018.
MPI in India: A Case Study
. Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative , 2018.
Kanagaratnam, Usha
Christian Oldiges
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Sabina Alkire
Multidimensional Poverty Reduction in India 2005/6–2015/16: Still a Long Way to Go but the Poorest Are Catching Up
. Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative , 2018.
What does it mean to leave no one behind?
. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2018.
Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project
. World Bank Group, 2015.
Patel, Sejal
Richard Sliuzas
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Yola Georgiadou
Participatory Local Governance in Asian Cities: Invited, Closed or Claimed Spaces for Urban Poor?
. Environment and Urbanization Asia, 2016.
Request For Proposal (RFP) For Engagement Of Agency / Firm For Conducting Survey Of Urban Homeless Population Of Vadodara City
Chatterjee, Urmila
Rinku Murgai
Martin G. Rama
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Ambar Narayan
Pathways to reducing poverty and sharing prosperity in India : lessons from the last two decades
. The World Bank Group, 2016.
Balcázar, Carlos Felipe
Sonal Desai
Rinku Murgai
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Ambar Narayan
Why did poverty decline in India ? a nonparametric decomposition exercise
. The World Bank Group, 2016.
Health insurance for India’s poor
A publication in the German Health Practice Collection
. GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), 2015.
Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH) -Operational Guidelines
. New Delhi: Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation, 2013.
Building a Stairway Out of Poverty in Rochester: Smarter Cities Challenge report
., 2016.
Scheme of Shelters for Urban Homeless (Operational Guidelines): National Urban Livelihoods Mission
. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, 2013.
Magalhães, Fernanda
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Francesco di Villarosa
Slum Upgrading: Lessons Learned From Brazil
. Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2012.
Mundy, Paul
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Jean du Plessis
Count me in: Surveying for tenure security and Urban land management
. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-HABITAT, 2010.
Shehayeb, Dr. Dina K.
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Dr. Khaled Abdelhalim
Maximising use value: Action guide for informal areas
. Cairo, Egypt: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, 2011.
Rojas, Eduardo
Building Cities Neighbourhood Upgrading and Urban Quality of Life
. Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2010.
City Development Strategies to Reduce Poverty
. Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2004.
Abdelhalim, Khaled
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Mohammad Abou Samra
Participatory Upgrading of Informal Areas A Decision-makers’ Guide for Action
. Cairo, Egypt: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, 2010.
Mahadevia, Darshini
Urban Poverty in India and Post-MDG Framework
Oxfam India working papers series
. Vol. OIWPS - XVII. New Delhi, India: Oxfam India, 2013.
Tackling Urban Poverty
Policy Brief
. Bangalore: Indian Institute of Human Settlements, 2015.
Urbanization And Development: Emerging Futures - World Cities Report 2016
. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), 2016.