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ITS Toolkit for Traffic Management System. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2013.
Traffic Management and Information Control Centre (TMICC). Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2016.
Operations Document For National Urban Transport Helpline (NUTH). Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2016.
Mumbai National Urban Transport Helpline: Operations Document. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2016.
Guwahati Traffic Management & Information Control Centre And National Urban Transport Helpline: Operations Document. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2016.
Delhi National Urban Transport Helpline Operations Document. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2016.
Ahmedabad Traffic Management And Information Control Centre: Operations Document. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2016.
Greater Visakhapatnam Smart City Corporation Limited(GVSCCL). Smart Campus: Visakhapatnam Smart City. Vishakhapatnam: Greater Vishakhapatnam Smart City Corporation Limited (GVSCCL), 2017.
5 Innovative WASH Solutions for an Inclusive Urban India. New Delhi, India: National Institute for Urban Affairs, 2017.
The Toilet Tracker: mapping sanitation in peri-urban Lusaka. Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor, 2017.
Human Resource and Skill requirements in Telecommunications Sector (2013-17), (2017-22). New Delhi, India: National Skill Development Corporation, 2015.
KPMG. Human Resource and Skill requirements in IT and ITes (2013-17), (2017-22). New Delhi, India: National Skill Development Centre, 2015.
National Telecom Policy - 2012. New Delhi, India: Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications and Technology, Government of India, 2012.