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Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Gandhinagar. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2017.
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Puducherry. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2017.
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Amravati. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2017.
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Rajkot. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2017.
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Naya Raipur. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2017.
Smart City Challenge Round 3: Smart City Proposal Thiruvanthapuram. Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2017.
Shah, Mihir. Urban Water Systems in India: A Way Forward In Working Paper 323. New Delhi: Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, 2016.
Transit Oriented Development - Guidance Document. New Delhi: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2016.
Smart Growth and Economic Success: Investing in Infill Development. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2014.
Perboli, Guido, Alberto De Marco, Francesca Perfetti, and Matteo Marone. A New Taxonomy of Smart City Projects In Transportation Research Procedia. Vol. 3. Elsevier, 2014.
Urban Green Spaces and Health: A Review of Evidence. Copenhagen, Denmark: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016.
Smart Cities India Readiness Guide. Smart Cities Council, 2016.
International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning. Nairobi: United Nations Human settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), 2015.
Hwang, Jong-Sung. Smart Cities Seoul: a case study. Geneva, Switzerland: The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 2013.
Magalhães, Fernanda, and Francesco di Villarosa. Slum Upgrading: Lessons Learned From Brazil. Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2012.
Tacoli, Cecilia. Urbanization, gender and urban poverty: paid work and unpaid carework in the city In Urbanisation and Emerging Population Issues Working Paper . Vol. 7. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2012.
World Cities Summit 2014 In Urban Solutions, Issue 5. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities, 2014.
Public Engagement In Urban Solutions, Volume 3. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities, 2013.
Urban Redevelopment: From Urban Squalor to Global City In Urban Systems Studies. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities, 2016.