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Limited, IBI Consultanc. Best Practices for Traffic Signal Operations in India. New Delhi, India: Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, 2016.
SGA Architects. Bus Terminal Design Guidelines. New Delhi, India: Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, 2016.
Institute of Urban Transport(India), Sonia Arora, and Tamalika Acharya. Appraisal Checklist for Urban Transport Projects. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2015.
Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit Systems. Roadmap for improving City Bus Systems in India. New Delhi, India: Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, 2016.
Creating Infrastructure for a Better Tommorrow In ECC Concord (L& T Journal). Vol. 39. L&T Construction, 2016.
Active Mobility In Urban Solutions, Issue 6. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities, 2015.