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Urban Planning and Development
Related Subjects
Land Management
Land Policies
Urban Poverty
United States of America
Urban Poverty
Urban Growth and Economy
Working Papers
Urban Planning and Development
Women’s Land Title Ownership and Empowerment: Evidence from India
. Asian Development Bank, 2018.
Amravati, Innovative and Inclusive Land Pooling Scheme
. Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority (APCRDA), 2017.
Sanan, Deepak
D.B. Gupta
, and
Prerna Prabhakar
A Pilot Impact Assessment of the Digital-India Land Records Modernisation Programme - Himachal Pradesh
. New Delhi, India: National Council of Applied Economic Research, 2017.
Request for Proposal Selection of agency For Landscaping of various roads in Bhubaneswar Development Authority area along With Operation and Maintenance
National Land Utilisation Policy (Draft)
framework for land use planning & management
., 2013.
de Vries, Walter Timo
Anna Schopf
Uchendu Eugene Chigbu
, and
Florian Siegert
Introduction to Land Management (Self Paced)
. Technical University of Munich, 2018.
Duranton, Gilles
Ejaz Ghani
Arti Goswami Grover
, and
William Robert Kerr
Effects of land misallocation on capital allocations in India
. The World Bank Group, 2015.
Deininger, Klaus W.
Dorothea Huberta Ma Hilhorst
S. Narayanan
, and
Devika Bahadur
India - Land governance assessment : National synthesis report
. The World Bank Group, 2016.
Wijaya, Arief
Hanny Chrysolite
Mengpin Ge
Clorinda Kurnia Wibowo
Almo Pradana
Kemen Austin And Utami
, and
Kemen Austin
How Can Indonesia Achieve Its Climate Change Mitigation Goal? An Analysis of Potential Emissions Reductions from Energy and Land-Use Policies
Working Paper
. World Resources Institute, 2017.
Packirisamy, Jawahar
Land Policies and Practices And Their Impact On Informal Settlements in Puducherry City
., 2015.
Smart Growth and Economic Success: Investing in Infill Development
. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2014.
Hickey, Robert
The Role of Community Land Trusts in Fostering Equitable Transit-Oriented Development:
. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, 2013.
Eppig, Marianne
, and
Lavea Brachman
Redeveloping Commercial Vacant Properties in Legacy Cities: A Guidebook for Linking Property Reuse and Economic Growth
. The German Marshall Fund of the United States, 2014.
Magalhães, Fernanda
, and
Francesco di Villarosa
Slum Upgrading: Lessons Learned From Brazil
. Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2012.
Urban Landmark Resources: Managaing Urban Land - A Guide for municipal practioners
. Tshwane, South Africa: Urban LandMark, 2011.
Mundy, Paul
, and
Jean du Plessis
Count me in: Surveying for tenure security and Urban land management
. Nairobi, Kenya: UN-HABITAT, 2010.
Rojas, Eduardo
Building Cities Neighbourhood Upgrading and Urban Quality of Life
. Washington DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2010.
Land Acquisition and Resettlement: Securing Resources for Development
Urban Systems Studies
. Singapore: Centre for Liveable Cities, 2014.
Kim, Prof. Haengjong
, and
Dr. Hyeokjae Choi
Land Development and Management
A Primer on Korean Planning and Policy
. Vol. 3. Seoul, Republic of Korea: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS), 2013.
India Habitat III National Report 2016
. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, 2016.
Land Readjustment (Self-Paced)
., 2016.
Preuß, Thomas
, and
Uwe Ferber
Circular land use management in cities and urban regions – a policy mix utilizing existing and newly conceived instruments to implement an innovative strategic and policy approach
. Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (German Institute of Urban Affairs) , 2008.
Sutton, Dr. Stacey A.
Urban Revitalisation in the US: Policies and Practices - Final Report
., 2008.