As a build-up to the 8th Annual BRICS Summit, India planned a series of high level meetings and activities. The BRICS Urbanisation Forum, held in Visakhapatnam from 14th - 16th September 2016, with the theme ‘Urban Transition in BRICS’ ensured that key issues of urbanisation are placed on the global agenda of the BRICS member countries. Selected sub-themes for the plenary sessions included - National Urban Agenda, Smart Cities, Financing Urban Infrastructure, Inclusive Housing, Informal Economies, Climate Change, Sustainable Development Goals, Urban Environment, Resilient Water & Sanitation Management, New Towns, Regional Planning and Urban Renaissance and New Reform Agenda.
Conference design and session structure included a Head of Delegation/Ministerial representation in Plenary Session I on Day 1. Sub theme specific Plenary Session II - VIII on Day 2 and 3 were chaired by a global expert related to session topic with experts representing BRICS member countries as lead panelists followed by State Government of Andhra Pradesh and City representatives playing the role of discussants.
Following the series of high level meeting and activities under India's chairmanship for the 8th Annual BRICS Summit, leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of South Africa, met on 15-16 October 2016 in Goa, India, at the Eighth BRICS Summit, which was held under the theme "Building Responsive, Inclusive and Collective Solutions.” The Goa Declaration, in its Point No. 96, welcomed the proceedings of the BRICS Urbanisation Forum and called for enhanced cooperation with regard to strengthening urban governance, improved safety and inclusivity, improved transport, financing of urban infrastructure and building of sustainable cities.
Point No. 96:
As home to 43% of the world population and among the fastest urbanising societies, we recognise the multidimensional challenges and opportunities of urbanisation. We affirm our engagement in the process that will lead to adoption of a New Urban Agenda by the Conference of the United Nations on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – Habitat III (Quito, 1720 October, 2016).We welcome the BRICS Urbanisation Forum, BRICS Friendship Cities Conclave, held in Visakhapatnam on 1416 September 2016, and in Mumbai on 1416 April 2016, respectively, which contributed to fostering increased engagements between our cities and stakeholders. We call for enhanced cooperation with regard to strengthening urban governance, making our cities safe and inclusive, improving urban transport, financing of urban infrastructure and building sustainable cities.