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Webinar on Investments for a green recovery in the transport sector

Ms. Shreya Gadepalli, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) South Asia Programme Lead, led the session by welcoming the speakers, panellists, and participants.

The two presentations were by: Mr. Mohammed Mezghani on ‘Covid-19: Financial issues and Public transport recovery’; and Ms. Shreya Gadepalli on ‘Green or Grey’. The presentations were followed by a panel discussion and Q&A session, moderated by Ms. Shreya Gadepalli and co-moderated by Mr. Gerald Ollivier, Lead Transport Specialist, World Bank with Ms. V Manjula IAS, Commissioner & Additional Chief Secretary, Directorate of Urban Land Transport, Karnataka, Mr. Rahul Kapoor, Director, Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, and Mr. Laghu Parashar, Senior Technical Advisor, GIZ SMART-SUT Programme as panellists.