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The Lighthouses of Pune: Enabling Sustainable Livelihood for Youth. Enabling Sustainable Livelihood for Youth, 2018.
World Social Protection Report 2017-19 In Universal social protection to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Geneva: International Labour Organization, 2018.
Youth Development Index and Report. Tamil Nadu: Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), 2017.
Human Resource and Skill requirements in Education and Skill development Sector (2013-17), (2017-22). New Delhi, India: National Skill Development Corporation, 2015.
World Development Report 2018: Learning to Realize Education's Promise. Washington, DC: The World Bank Group, 2017.
The BoP Education Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in India: Collaboration between GIZ and Perspectful. GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), 2014.
Landscape Review Mobile Education for Numeracy. GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH), 2014.
Modernizing Of GVMC Schools – Visakhapatnam In India Smart Cities: Success Stories from Mission Cities. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, 2017.