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Smartnet acts as a repository for various toolkits, advisory notes, guidance notes, case studies and other model documents that can assist in formulating and executing projects. With an objective to ease access to any specific document, the repository can be searched with the help of Sectors, Authors/Issuing Organisations and Keywords.

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Parkinson, Prof. Michael. Barcelona In Scientific Report. ESPON 2013 Programme, 2013.

Parkinson, Prof. Michael. Barcelona In Scientific Report. ESPON 2013 Programme, 2013.

Sridhar, Kala Seetharam. Costs and Benefits of Urbanization: The Indian Case In ADBI Working Paper Series. Vol. 607. Asian Development Bank Institute, 2016.

Sridhar, Kala Seetharam. Costs and Benefits of Urbanization: The Indian Case In ADBI Working Paper Series. Vol. 607. Asian Development Bank Institute, 2016.

Chair), Hans Joachim Sc, and Dirk Messner( Chair). Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities. Berlin, Germany: German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), 2016.

Chair), Hans Joachim Sc, and Dirk Messner( Chair). Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities. Berlin, Germany: German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), 2016.

India Habitat III National Report 2016. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, 2016.

India Habitat III National Report 2016. New Delhi, India: Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, 2016.

Pargal, Sheoli, and Sudeshna Banerjee. More Power to India: The Challenge of Electricity Distribution In Directions in Development: Energy and Mining. Washington DC: The World Bank, 2014.

Pargal, Sheoli, and Sudeshna Banerjee. More Power to India: The Challenge of Electricity Distribution In Directions in Development: Energy and Mining. Washington DC: The World Bank, 2014.