MoHUA proposes to adopt a single stage process to evaluate Applications received based on criteria set out in this REOI Document. Based on this evaluation a panel of consultants shall be prepared. MoHUA proposes to empanel eligible consultants through this process. The details of Cities are at Annexure “A”. The ‘Liveability Standards for Cities’ and methodology for assessment is available at link
The purpose of Shortlisting process is to shortlist a panel of consulting firms that can carry out the assignment of assessment of liveability standards. However, by virtue of getting shortlisted with MoHUA does not entitle shortlisted consultancy firms to claim their expenses incurred, if any, in the process of shortlisted nor to claim for any assignment, whatsoever, it may be. The MoHUA will invite technical and financial proposals from selected shortlisted consultancy firms by issuing RFP which will contain detailed scope of work and other details related to the assignment.