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persuasion for toilets persuasion for toilets

'Get a Toilet': Building demand for toilets

Sustainable sanitation solutions need to take both infrastructure – the hardware – and cultural barriers and behaviour – the software – into account. This report is about developing demand propositions for sanitation marketing – pulling people towards wanting a toilet in their homes. It’s about understanding the triggers, motivators and barriers to move from open defecation or a shared community toilet, to buying, installing and using a toilet at home. Using the Evo-Eco Model, created by Bob Aunger and Val Curtis of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Unilever’s 5 Levers of Change, the report features nine propositions and some creative ideas to bring them to life.

The work in this document focuses on developing demand propositions, by understanding the triggers, motivators and barriers to move from open defecation, or use of a shared community toilet, to buying, installing and using a toilet at home. As such the objectives for this work stream were three fold:

• Firstly , to create a bank of Consumer Insights that, underpin the development of Demand Propositions

• Secondly to create global Demand Propositions with some illustrative creative to bring them to life

• And thirdly to develop research and pilot design to test the most promising of these in both rural and urban India.

We identified nine demand propositions, each rooted in a solid consumer insight, for testing withaudience to understand how they might influence the decision to plan or purchase a toilet.