Chandigarh's journey to safe cycling...

"Our city has devised a strong scale-up plan to connect the city periphery with the city center through dedicated cycle tracks. Chandigarh will soon have India’s largest public bicycle sharing system with 617 docking stations and 5000 cycles, the best in the country!"

N.P. Sharma

Chief General Manager, Chandigarh Smart Cities Limited

Check out Chandigarh's stage 01 journey video!

City highlight!

How to make sure cycle tracks work for everyone?

Ask people what they need. With an existing cycling network, Chandigarh went to its citizens with one simple question: What is one thing the city could do to make cycling better? Here’s what they found: cyclists needed to feel safe at all places and at all times of the day. This guided the city’s efforts to revamp its cycle tracks—installing street lights along the tracks and cycle signals at junctions. A Cycle Safety Squad formed by the Traffic Police—to assist cyclists and prevent encroachments on the tracks—was another big step.

Want to know more about Chandigarh's initiatives? Check out the presentation below!

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