The Hon’ble Prime Minister launched the Swachh Bharat Mission on 2nd October, 2014 with a target to make the country clean and sanitized by 2nd October, 2019. Urbanisation has been the norm in India ever since Independence. And now with growing lucrative job opportunities available in urban areas, the process has only intensified. This has led to increasing pressure on housing in urban and sub-urban areas. The issue is not just quantity of housing but also quality. It needs to be ensured that these residential complexes adhere to certain basic minimum standards, to ensure that their residents live in a dignified and clean environment that fosters their overall healthy growth and well-being. Furthermore, as a part of the Swachh Bharat Mission mandate, it is imperative for all residential complexes, to be well-maintained and clean, towards the larger goal of a healthy, unpolluted environment.
For uniform cleanliness guidelines it is essential to have a standard operating procedure to ensure that all residential complexes maintain set standards of cleanliness in their respective premises. The purpose of this SOP is to improve current cleanliness levels in residential complexes of India. The primary way to achieve the same is through inculcating good sanitation and hygiene practices amongst residents. This SOP also targets to ensure proper waste management through recycling and processing of waste, and establish systems in residential complexes for cleanliness.