As information and communication technologies (ICTs) are dramatically changing the lives of people around the world, governments must come to grips with finding solutions that will increase public value to their citizens.
The main objective of developing the UN/DESA Compendium of Innovative E-government Practices is to create a venue for promoting innovative e-government solutions, services and products developed by public institutions across the world. The Compendium also enables South-South and North-South information-sharing of their respective experiences and innovative practices. In both cases, the focus is on hastening innovation and creating public value for the citizenry.
The Compendium does not promote one solution over another but rather exposes e-government practices that place the citizen in the forefront. It contains practices from all regions while maintaining a geographical distribution. It embraces any theme that provides public value to the citizen. The Compendium covers a wide range of innovative practices, such as citizens service delivery, e-participation, information access, e-health, information sharing/access, crisis management, e-accounting, e-commerce, e-customs, e-petitioning, e-voting, e-education, e-justice, e-procurement, e-taxation, e-inclusion, e-environment, gender equality, government portal, government intranet, sustainable development, open government data, etc.
The UNDESA Compendium of Innovative E-government Practices is a compilation of case studies of innovative e-government solutions, services and applications with elements of transferability and adaptability.
In developing this Compendium, UNDESA aims to provide a venue for the promotion and sharing of these cost-effective, value-added innovative solutions, to hasten innovation and creating public value for the citizenry and to enable South-South and North-South information-sharing.
The publication of the UNDESA Compendium of Innovative E-government Practices on biannual basis is an ongoing project. The Volumes I, II, III, IV, V includes over 600 cases, representing all the regions. At the same time an easy to search online database is established within UNPAN (United Nations Public Administration Network).
The UNDESA will continue to solicit and identify innovative practices from all corners of the globe for inclusion in later volume