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Disability Manual Disability Manual

Guidelines for Disability Inclusion in Physical Activity, Nutrition, & Obesity Programs and Policies

People with disabiliti es are three ti mes more likely to have heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer than adults without disabiliti es. Nearly half of all adults with disabiliti es get no aerobic physical acti vity. Adults with disabiliti es who get no physical acti vity are 50% more likely to have the aforementi oned chronic diseases than those who get the recommended amount of physical acti vity.1 Additi onally, people with disabiliti es have a higher likelihood of being obese.2 People with disabiliti es face signifi cant barriers when att empti ng to access health and wellness acti viti es. They are more likely to have more than one health practi ti oner and to have secondary conditi ons requiring some type of ongoing treatment or medicati on, leaving them vulnerable to a lack of coordinated or long-term care. People with disabiliti es are also less likely to have appropriate, aff ordable health care coverage. This leaves this populati on especially vulnerable because not only do they run the risk of not receiving preventati ve care, but they also can have diffi culty accessing health and wellness informati on and services if those services are not designed to consider their disability. As part of the Nati onal Center on Health, Physical Acti vity, and Disability (NCHPAD), the Center on Disability at the Public Health Insti tute (COD-PHI) has developed these Guidelines for Disability Inclusion in Physical Acti vity, Nutriti on, and Obesity Program Initi ati ves to assist in the updati ng of community health programs and policies to be inclusive of the needs of people with disabiliti es. The Guidelines were generated based upon previously recommended guidelines and structured input and review from a panel of nati onal experts.