Since 2012 we have aimed to transform the once prevalent SWM system of dumping mixed waste (landfill), into stream-wise value extraction (processing). Therefore in compliance with MSW Rules 2016 (which mandates segregation at source), the city has invested in varied technologies for processing waste. With the State Government, we have coordinated the allocation of land, financing of infrastructure for processing & incubation of pilot technologies. This has formed the basis of creating a new market economy for waste.
Our goal is to divert ALL mixed waste from landfill by creating maximum economic value for waste streams.
The 6 strategies adopted include:
1. Investing in stream-wise processing of waste
2. Data driven approach for estimation and planning
3. Enabling market dynamics – creating new economic opportunities
4. Awareness creation and enabling behaviour change
5. Use of technology for data collection and monitoring
6. Creating institutional capacities and enabling legislative reforms