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ODF+ and ODF++ ODF+ and ODF++

Declaring your City/Town SBM ODF+ and SBM ODF++

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide a readiness check and guideline for cities and towns that have already achieved Open Defecation Free (ODF) status as per the ODF protocol prescribed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) and are working towards ensuring sustainability of the ODF status to ensure proper maintenance of toilet facilities, hereby referred to as SBM ODF+, and safe collection, conveyance, treatment and disposal of all faecal sludge and sewage, hereby referred to as SBM ODF++, in order to achieve safe sustainable sanitation for all. Similar to the ODF Protocol, this toolkit provides the detailed SBM ODF+ protocol and SBM ODF++ protocol laid down by MoHUA, along with declaration formats to be obtained from various stakeholders, that wards / work circles (in case under jurisdiction of development authority) and cities are required to submit, as part of the SBM ODF+ and SBM ODF++ declaration and certification process. It also describes the procedure for certification of SBM ODF+ and SBM ODF++ claims by ULBs/ Development Authorities / Cantonment Boards, by a third party