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ABD Guwahati1 ABD Guwahati1


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Tender for Design, Construction, Supply, Installation, Commissioning of Architectural Works, Fire protection system and Addressable Fire alarm and detection system on Design, Build basis in Guwahati

Guwahati Smart City Limited (GSCL), Guwahati - Assam, invites sealed tenders for Design, Construction, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Architectural Works, Fire protection System and Addressable Fire Alarm & Detection System on Design, Build basis for Guwahati Smart City Limited (GSCL), 4th Floor Aditya Tower, Opp. Down Town Hospital, Dispur – Assam. The Bidders has to submit as per Terms & Conditions mentioned at Annexure-‘A’. Format of Pre-Qualification cum Technical Bid mentioned at Annexure-‘B’, Technical
Specifications in Annexure "C".

The Tender document containing “Pre qualification cum Technical bid” and “Financial bid”, complete in all respect should be uploaded on on or before 02/09/2017 which will be opened in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who may like to be present at the time bid opening as per the schedule mentioned in the Tender document.