Urban households will switch from LPG to PNG due to convenience and efficiency concerns. This switch will be aided by the fact that the piped gas network can be made easily available in densely populated urban areas as it is more efficient, convenient than LPG. Even in rural areas, PNG networks could be established in certain densely populated settlements, which could aid PNG penetration. Even though electricity is an efficient, convenient source of cooking fuel, and assuming reliable hours of electricity supply is possible for all households in the future, majority of urban and rural households may not switch to electricity, although it will still play a major role. This is assumed based on a strong preference for gas based cooking in India. Access to LPG in rural India is bound to increase from its current levels given the push from programs like RGGLVY (Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas 2009). Therefore, in the future, most of India will use a mix of LPG, PNG and electricity to satisfy its cooking needs. Adoption of biogas will be prevalent especially during the transitory phase in rural areas where households are weaning away from biomass to modern sources of fuel. However with increased penetration of modern fuels the rate of biogas adoption will increase at a decreasing rate. The use of solar cookers will also increase with better cookers available in the market but due to the convenience, reliability of modern sources, path dependence on cook stoves due to prevalent cooking habits, their uptake may not be much and their use will be in conjunction with other sources of fuel. Therefore in all four pathways, households decrease use of biomass and switch between LPG, PNG and electricity to meet their unchanging specific energy demand for cooking.