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Asean Smart Cities Asean Smart Cities

Asean Smart Cities Limited

Cities are spaces of great opportunities and challenges. We constantly hear of strained infrastructure, pollution, and the need for quality and accessible services to meet diverse demands.

All cities are still experimenting and learning, and there is much to gain from sharing best practices. Good governance, careful planning, viable fnancing mechanisms and close partnership with industry and ASEAN’s External Partners are required to translate our plans into actions. These are also the elements in ASEAN’s collective vision of a smart city, captured in the ASEAN Smart Cities Framework that the 26 ASEAN cities have drafted together.

It is timely that we document this process and present the smart city plans put forth by the cities in the ASEAN Smart Cities Network. There will be many challengeson this smart city journey, and it is only through mutual learning and collaboration that we can achieve sustainable urbanisation togethe