This is a case study of Shivalik Nagar near Haridwar, a CSR (ITC) supported Solid Waste Management initiative, this initiative that proper initiative to convert the various categories segregated at source into useful products like compost etc., ensures a very high percentage of segregation at source and user fee payment by residents and commercial establishments.NGO and the CSR involved in this project were also participants of SBM SWM Exposure workshops 2016 and 2017 conducted by NIUA.
Shivalik Nagar was developed in the 1980s by Awas Vikas or State Housing Development Board, as a private residential colony for BHEL employees. Gradually it developed into a large colony in three phases, Phase I and Phase II and Phase III having 16 clusters with approx. In a study of the current practices of managing the waste in household level it was found that the residents dispose their waste in existing municipality dustbins and some private waste pickers service households once or twice a week. As such the Shivalik Nagar Palika has no waste management system or designated dumping area. Owing to these findings, ITC began an intervention on waste management in May 2016. The primary goal was waste management while inculcating a practice of zero waste dumps at landfills.