This report on High Impact Opportunities for Energy Efficiency in India describes four High Impact Opportunities (HIOs) for making improvements in energy efficiency in India in the residential, industrial and agricultural sectors. These HIOs have been taken from the long list of HIOs identified in the report on Enhancing Energy Efficiency in India: Assessment of Sectoral Potentials. HIOs have been identified based on the potential for improvements in energy efficiency that were estimated using a model-based form of assessment. Besides this model-based assessment, HIO identification has involved stakeholder consultation and expert opinions on the potential for scaling up a technology option based on its technological maturity level and its contribution to Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL’s) objectives regarding energy access, improving energy efficiency and encouraging renewable forms of energy. The four HIOs covered in this report concern LED lighting, super-efficient air conditioners, efficient agriculture pump sets and the Perform, Achieve and Trade Scheme. These HIOs are expected to play an important role in the short (until 2020) and medium terms (2020-2030).