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Nutrition in India Nutrition in India

Nourishing India

The policy commitment to preventing and reducing undernutrition was reaffirmed by the Budget 2014-15 speech of the Finance Minister, which stated that - “A national programme in Mission Mode is urgently required to halt the deteriorating malnutrition situation in India, as present interventions are not adequate. A comprehensive strategy including detailed methodology, costing, time lines and monitorable targets will be put in place within six months.” Guided by this policy direction, the Ministry of Women and Child Development also formulated a proposal for a National Nutrition Mission, building on the recommendations from a National Consultation, an Expert Advisory Group was constituted in 2014. This policy direction was reinforced by the PMO, mandating NITI Aayog to examine the emerging data on undernutrition and prepare, in consultation with the Ministries of WCD and Health, a specific strategy for poor performing states/districts. This has brought Nutrition center-stage on the National Development Agenda and is the policy context within which this National Nutrition Strategy has been been formulated, through a consultative processes.