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Urban Development
Sharma, Divya
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. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 2014.
Mandal, Anindita
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Hugh Byrd
Density, Energy and Metabolism of a proposed smart city
. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs (JCUA), 2017.
Colding, Johan
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Stephan Barthel
An urban ecology critique on the “Smart City” model
. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.
Sridha, Kala Seetharam
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. Environment and Urbanization Asia, 2016.
Singh, Nisha
Solid Waste Management— A Look at Some Technologies of Department of Atomic Energy
. Vol. 7. Environment and Urbanization Asia, 2016.
Sen, Sucharita
Gendered Exclusions in the Work Spaces of Peri-urban Areas in a Neoliberal Environment: Learning from the Experiences of Large Metropolitan Cities in India
. Environment and Urbanization Asia, 2016.
Patel, Sejal
Richard Sliuzas
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Yola Georgiadou
Participatory Local Governance in Asian Cities: Invited, Closed or Claimed Spaces for Urban Poor?
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Naik, Mukta
Informal Rental Housing Typologies and Experiences of Low-income Migrant Renters in Gurgaon, India
. New Delhi, India: Environment and Urbanization Asia, 2015.
Dutta, Venkatesh
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Environmental Impact Assessment of Housing Colonies in Lucknow City, India with Special Reference to Land Capability and Spatial Development Using AHP and GIS
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Mojumdar, Sujoy Kumar
Trends in Maternal Care Utilization in Urban India: A Temporal Analysis
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Sharmistha Sinha
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Finnan, Christine
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