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Summary of Guidelines Summary of Guidelines

Summary of Guidelines: COVID-19

As part of COVID-19 mintigation efforts, the GoI has issued several guidelines and advisories for assistance of the states, citizens and other stakeholders. A number of guidelines focusing on prevention, treatment, quarantine, isolation, testing strategy and inclusion of private laboratories, social distancing and lockdown have been issued by various ministries and departments. 

To assist the senior colleagues in the government, MoHFW has compiled a compendium of such guidelines and advisories in a user-friendly format. 

To access the abridged contents of a subject from the index, the user may click on the title of the subject in the index. In case the user wants to access the actual text of guidelines/advisories/orders on the subject, a link to the source document has been provided at the bottom of abridged contents about the subject. On clicking on the 'source' hyperlink, the user will be able to retrieve the complete text of the document from the website.