The goal of the IHUWASH project is to improve performance of the urban WASH sector in the country through agglomeration, incubation, and accleration of innovations to address WASH issues. The first stage of this process, agglomeration refers to compiling the existing key innovations which have significantly influenced the WASH sector, ideally from across the globe. Nevertheless, to sensitize local stakeholders, innovations which have significantly improved the WASH sector in India are documented in this booklet. To do this, innovations which have gained popularity in the past decade, and which have also improved living conditions of the urban poor were examined, before documenting them in brief. A set of criteria were used prior to selection of the innovation.
Criteria To Select Innovations
Innovations documented in this booklet are at different stages since they were first introduced. Some have still not been accepted widely and are in the initial (incubation) stage. Some are pilots that have been tested in different parts of India and have gained some momentum, while others have been scaled up, but are not yet recognised, particularly, by the government for inclusion in existing policies and programs of relevant ministries.
Objectives of documentation
The main purpose of documenting innovations in the WASH sector is to sensitize important stakheolders in the three participant cities– Faridabad, Mysuru and Udaipur. The innovations are expected to encourage potential stakeholders to adopt, either these innovations or introduce similar innovations to improve WASH performance in their cities. Apart from this, understanding ongoing innovations would enable the IHUWASH team to appreciate factors that determine, both, success as well as failure. The documentation will be used as an example in workshops, lecture series, etc. to stimulate discussions on various thematic areas among stakeholders.