Child Friendly Smart Cities (CFSC) initiative at NIUA is organizing an international conference titled ‘Re-imagining Urban Childhoods’ on March 1, 2019 to amplify the discourse on making cities child friendly.
The idea of child friendly cities has recently emerged as an important element in the urban development agenda of India. It is being widely recognized by the government, civil society and academia alike that urban planning and urban design need to be responsive to the needs of children of all ages, as a city that is good for children would be good for all residents.
The daylong Conference will bring together eminent urban thinkers, practitioners and noted city administrators to speak about the big ideas and strategies adopted by cities towards making cities more livable and inclusive. The objective is to share the insights and learning we have gained while working on the initiative, discuss with sector experts, and understand how to further streamline our efforts. Additionally, the conference intends to forge synergies between diverse sectors and mediums to shape a new collective and stronger voice towards making child friendly cities.