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Request for Proposal Request for Proposal


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Selection of Contractor for Design, Construction, Maintenance & Implementation of the following packages with 2 years of Defect Liability Period and 5 years of Maintenance under Smart City Mission, Ludhiana: a. Retrofitting & Improvement works for Sarabha Nagar Market b. Development of Malhar Road as Smart Street in ABD Area.

On behalf of the Ludhiana Smart City Limited (LSCL), Chief Executive Officer LSCL invites bids from eligible Bidders for the Selection of Contractor for Design, Construction, Maintenance & Implementation of the following packages with 2 years of Defect Liability Period and 5 years of Maintenance under Smart City Mission, Ludhiana: a. Retrofitting & Improvement works for Sarabha Nagar Market, and, b. Development of Malhar Road as Smart Street in ABD Area