Over the tme, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) has become important for any country not only for trafc congeston management, but also for modern infrastructure and safety. Since there is a dearth of literature on this subject, this book atempts to fll the gap and provides a holistc work on ITS encompassing theory, examples and case studies on various facets in both road and railway sectors.
The basic principles of various technologies used for ITS have been explained in such a manner that students from non-technical background can also comprehend them with ease. It also discusses the emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, cooperative vehicle highway system, automated highway systems, 5G mobile technology, etc.
Considering the need of huge funds required for ITS implementaton, the text introduces about various funding optons available. Conclusively, it is a unique book that contains all aspects of ITS which a student of engineering is expected to know. The book is intended as a text for postgraduate students of transportaton engineering and as a reference book for professionals such as transport planners, town planners, trafc engineers, transit operators and consultants.