Increasing number of road trafc injuries in Indian cites is a major concern. As number of cites grows and existng cites expand the road infrastructure, it is imperatve on city authorites to ensure safe infrastructure. In India, road authorites have been responsible for both ensuring safety in their road designs as well as rehabilitaton and improvement of existng roads. The authorites are expected to apply safety principles in all of their road projects to prevent accidents and to ensure safety of their vulnerable road users.
RDP (2004) as a road development program defned RSA as a systematc study and formal process of checking the safety aspects of road schemes before they are built. Its objectve is to address the safe operaton of a roadway and to ensure high level of safety for all its users. The toolkit atempts to address the problems relatng to urban road safety, identfying the indicators of safety in urban areas and provide a comprehensive soluton for urban road safety audit. It aims at developing context specifc road safety audit. The purpose is not doing policy based audit, but audit for specifc area; Site based or city level which would help engineers and planners to develop safety plans for car occupants, motorcyclists, pedestrians, bicyclists and public transport users.