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Land use transport Land use transport

Land Use Transport Integraton and Density of Urban Growth

Land use and transport are intricately related. While urban structure determines travel demand and transport supply influences urban structure. The locaton and design of spatal development has a fundamental influence on travel paterns. At the same tme, the locaton and characteristcs of major transport infrastructure impacts the allocaton of land uses from both macro and site plan perspectves.

Integrating urban development with transport has been considered key for moving towards compact and sustainable development of cites. The Natonal Urban Transport Policy, 2006 in India also recognises “integrated land use and transportaton planning” as one of the efcient tools for sustainable development.

Objectives of the Toolkit
The objectves of this toolkit are:
• To provide an understanding of the concept of integraton with regards to land use and transport
• To provide a step by step tool  for facilitatng adopton of integrated land use transport decisions by the cites.