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Toilet mapping Toilet mapping

The Toilet Tracker: mapping sanitation in peri-urban Lusaka

This Practice Note introduces the Toilet Tracker, a new tool for supporting sanitation business development and public health monitoring.

Currently being tested in the peri-urban area of Kanyama, the Tracker enables information on the ownership, location, quality and emptying history of pit latrines in Lusaka to be stored in the same place for the first time.

There is a well established faecal sludge management service in Kanyama, which to date has reached 33,000 people.

However, it has become apparent that business development would be enhanced by improved information about new and existing customers, including if their pits are ready for emptying; and if their latrine should be upgraded.

This insight led to the creation of the Toilet Tracker, which aims to provide a registry that could monitor and predict pit latrine upgrades and FSM service demand, enabling pit emptying businesses and toilet construction companies to improve their customer targeting.

From March to June 2017, almost 16,500 toilets were surveyed in Kanyama.