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AP Governments Study Report on CAMUS-SBT AP Governments Study Report on CAMUS-SBT

Report of the AP PHED Team on Study Visit to Mumbai from 15-16th May 2016 on Soil-Bio-Technology (SBT) based Sewage Treatment Plants

In Urban Local Bodies, major quantity of waste water is being discharged directly in to rivers, tanks and creeks. It leads to environmental pollution and indirectly affects the health of citizens and of aquatic life. In major cities also, treatment and disposal of waste water is a big problem and in most of the cases, the waste waters is directly allowed in to the streams without any treatment. It causes eutrophication of water bodies, in turn affecting the aquatic life and leading to environmental pollution.

To overcome this problem, the Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP) desires to study the technologies / processes involving low cost and least operation and maintenance in treating the domestic waste water, so as to safeguard the environment and public health. Accordingly the GoAP vide G.O. Rt. No.20 MA&UD Dated: 13.01.2016 has constituted a Technical Expert Committee with Chief Engineer, APUFIDC as one of the members and desired to study the adoption of Soil Bio-Technology (SBT) process for Sewage Treatment in all ULBs of AP. Accordingly, the following Team of Engineers from PHED have visited the STPs in Mumbai with SBT/CAMUS-SBT process of sewage treatment developed by IIT Bombay and interacted with IITB Experts.

The following is the report of the PHED Team for consideration of the Government.