NIUA created a national level capacity building partners platform called the Sanitation Capacity Building Platform (SCBP) in 2016 to support the Ministry of Urban Development focus on FSSM. The work was initiated in two towns each in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Andhra Pradesh. The capacity building focus of SCBP included a system of activity based capacity building support measures which involved undertaking assessments of the faecal sludge generation and disposal; supporting the states in submitting their plans and budgets for septage treatment under the State Annual Action Plan(SAAP) for 2017; supporting the development of the state level FSSM Policy for Uttar Pradesh (draft stage); conducting training programmes for ULBs; and preparation of model Detailed Project Reports(DPRs) for two towns.
The Capacity Needs Assessment was undertaken as part of the SCBP work. It was carried out through a process of intensive engagement with officials of six towns. Lessons learnt during the roll out of training modules and provision of technical support, have been incorporated into the recommendations. The assessment provided the basis for the SCBP strategy. The report contains specific recommendations for State and ULBs, for promoting FSSM. The report is produced as a collaborative engagement of NIUA and Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technologies(CAWST).